Government Island, Portland, OR

Hey there,

I’m traveling to Portland from Michigan for a long weekend and depending on weather, i was wondering if someone had an extra kayak or two and wanted to go check out Government Island in the middle of the Columbia River. November 15-17 would be when i’m free.

I know it’s a long shot, but it looks cool and am an avid paddler, so why not ask.

Hit me up directly and thanks.

If yo don’t find takers here, maybe check out one of the kayak shops for rentals. Next Adventures, Alder Creek, and Portland Kayak Company all have good reputations, but there may be others. I know Alder Creek has on-water location on the Columbia - the others may also have on-water facilities.

A local club is OOPS ( - might be worth pinging them also.

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If you don’t find a contact or loaner boat, Alder Creek Kayak is definitely where you need to go. They have rental kayaks available at their location on the east end of Hayden Island - an upstream paddle from there to Government Island is about 4 nm. The other kayak shops that would have rentals would require a car to transport.
However, if you do get a contact or loaner, and a car to transport, you can put in a Alder Creek’s dock, or at the Gleason Boat ramp (a mile upstream), or at Chinook Landing ramp (Gov I. is immediately downstream from there). There’s a small parking fee at the latter two.

That time of year the usual hazards are few. The current should be less than 1kn, but can change during the day depending on tide phase (tidal influence all the way up to Bonneville Dam!). Do be very aware of the local danger of the wing dams - these are a series of pilings extending from shoreline out a ways, and at higher current speeds are very dangerous (look up the word “sieve”). They are noted on the charts, but at this time of year are fairly easy to spot.
Also, there is a shipping channel. Again, noted on the chart, but also well marked by the usual red/green buoys, day markers, and range markers. The tug pushed barges can be quite fast.

Of note is that on Government Island, like all of Oregon, all the land below high water mark is public. There’s some very nice sandy beaches on Gvt Island, and nice camping.