The ice is out and it is time to get in shape. I bought a Lake Placid Rapid fire canoe and it is time to put it in the water. am I better off with the Grennland paddle or the wing?
Paddle for RapidFire
First, as one of the hulls builders, thanks for sticking to a double blade. Joe and I are getting weary of fanatics who want to single stick the fast little bottom.
Eric is right. A GP pretty much won't work. Wings are OK, but, one gives up draws, pushaways, stern rudder strokes and braces for a slight increase in forward efficiency.???
We recommend the AT Exception OS; why not the best rec paddle made? or the Werner Kallista, also a very fine stick. Carbon only, of course, in keeping with the bottom.
Be sure to wear a cap so your hair doesn't catch on fire. The skinny thing flies.
only in the world of canoes
would 27.5" (24" at gunnels) be "skinny"!!
there's no way you could correctly use a wing with that kind of boat. even a kayak of over 20" is pushing it in terms of being able to plant really close to your feet and take a properly vertical stroke.
i would think that you would need at least a 220cm Euro to be able to paddle with a double blade, even on this relatively narrow canoe.