OK Folks - - I’m new to kayaking.
I have seen all the paddles out there, and have seen a few of the greenland paddles (and how to make them)There seems to be a ton of high dollar paddles that all look the same.
Whats the advantages / dis-advantages to the greenland style paddle?
I would have thought a spoon style would be better.
The main reason I started to use
a greenland paddle was because it let me paddle longer without bothering my bad shoulder. Because your hands are held closer together it puts much less strain on my not so young shoulders, elbows and hands. The design of the paddle allows you to extend the paddle easily which makes sculling and rolling predictable and effortless. There is a lot of technique to be learned to get the most out of a greenland paddle that can be carried over to using other types of paddles. The only disadvantage I have found is that I don’t like to hit rocks with my greenlan paddle.
Some thoughts
I use both, though the GP is my first choice. One advantage is price - from a $20 2X4 of Western Red Cedar, you can carve a paddle that’s nice and light weight - you’d have to pay $200-300 to get one as light in a Euro. Some epoxy on the tips will make it quite durable.
The main advantage of the GP is that it’s funky, historic and a bit wierd - it generates lots of questions from other paddlers and makes you look cool, which is what it’s all about, eh?
i switched to a GP
because I wanted to learn to roll and i had been told with a GP it was easier. They were right. After getting a GP I wanted to learn sculling for support, balanced braces, even more rolls. The EP can do all of this but not as well or gracefull as the GP.
I don’t have romantic attachment to gear. I like gear that allows me to do, simply.
The only disadvantage I have found so far is that I cannot find a composite take-apart GP…
GP & Euro
I have a $400+ Epic Active Tour Full Carbon Length Lock paddle which I really like. I have a GP (Cedar with epoxy tips) which Alan made for me which I like even more.
The GP is easier to use. It is easier on my joints. I get better torso rotation without even having to think about it. Sculling, rolling and balance bracing are easier, etc…
better for what?
Euro(spoon) paddles seem to work better for surf, whitewater, & shallow water. Many people who use both prefer Greenland paddles for touring and rolling. If you want pure straight-line speed, use a wing paddle.
I carry a Greenland and a Euro paddle on my touring boat, and like them both for different reasons.
Too All - - Tkanks for the input
Hmmm - - - I think I will have to consider making a GP paddles first - - thenthink about a kayak latter.
Since I have a Sea Lion, It will look cool too
(not a big thing for me, but what the hec)