Grumman 15' Canoe

Hello, I have been looking on the internet for canoes, and found a website for Grumman aluminum canoes. They look great and are pretty light. How much do they cost new? I am on a tight budget. How do they hold up? I really liked the 15’double ender. Should I get the thicker hull or the thinner and save some weight? All help would be great. Boydo

try pelican
its a little cheaper. there heavier, but if your on a budget its your route also try used there are a few out there just be patient an look.

i have the 17’ double end i picked up in 96 still going strong love it. plan on giving t to my kids some day


See for info. The thinner hull should be fine for most practical purposes. I have the G1340C and had a G1740C in the past. The G1540C will weigh about 59lbs. The G1550C will weigh 69lbs. Hope this helps. If you find one used they seem to be going for about half of the new price.

The standard Grummans are much
stronger than the Pelicans. I’m not a Grumman fan because I don’t care for how aluminum feels hot/cold depending on temperature, and I don’t like the way it sticks to rocks. But Grummans are indisputably VERY durable.

Before going “Pelican”…

– Last Updated: Apr-25-05 1:30 AM EST –

... see Arkay's post under "In Praise of Coleman Canoes" in the Discussion Forum. I'm all in favor of people getting on the water any way they can, but Pelican (the new name for the old Coleman lineup) in their traditional hull material WILL warp, really badly, and in multiple directions and locations. If that works for you, great, but if you like the looks of the Grumman, stick with that idea unless you can buy something nicer from the used-boat market. Like G2d said, there are things to dislike about aluminum, but Grummans, unlike Pelican/Coleman, are actually designed to do a particular job well, that being general-use canoeing. Pelican/Coleman are designed to stack like soup bowls during shipping and warehousing, and that's as far as it goes. One nice thing about aluminum canoes, is that long after you may have gotten something even better, the old aluminum tank can sit outside and never suffer a bit from exposure, and it will always be ready if you need a spare when extra people come along. The Colemans on the boat racks at the local rental places are so warped from being out in the sun that you can easily see the damage while driving by on the highway more than 150 yards away. I wouldn't paddle one of those pieces of crap unless it was the only way to get home.

Okay, I'll add one more thing. Grumman is the best choice if you decide to go with aluminum. They use a lot more rivets than other aluminum canoes, and the joints are therefore stronger and more leak-proof than those of the other brands.

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One last thought
Others have already covered the omportant points, so all I will add is that NOBODY else can rivit like Grumman/Marathon.


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I disagree with you boatguy…
I have owned a pelican for quite some time now and it has sat outside all year long when not in use and it hasnt warped a bit. Its a very reliable canoe and would buy one in a second if needed.


18 footer Grumman
My dad bought his double ender in 1969,its a 1966 model and still worth $500.oo in my book.

But I was lucky and got it as a hand-me-down.

Look for a used one,somewhere near you I’m sure you can find one.Look in yards,find one covered in leaves;stop and ask. I used to think my uncle fell into it, but thats how he got great deals on darn near everything.

grummans last a long time
My first canoe was a 15 foot Grumman. It is still going strong after 37 years.

Our camp has some 17 footers that are almost 50 years old and still functional. Sometimes the rivets have to be plugged if they become loose but thats not too hard to do.

They are just hot noisy and slow at that length. But durable and versatile? Yes.

I would like to know the expected life of a Pelican. I dont like the hull shape of them and have seen too many of them fold up or shatter. I have heard too that they are designed with ease of stacking in mind and less attention to the paddler.

I think they may have two hull materials
now. They still sell Ram-X plastic which is notorious for warpage. Is yours Ram-X or the new-style material? Maybe the new stuff is better. I must admit I’m not too fond of the idea of paddling a soup bowl, but if you can’t find a used canoe for a such a low price, have at it.

Bought a used square stern in great condition,used it for five years,sold it to a buddy and he’s used it for six years.

I even put in swivel seats for fishing,worked great.

Used paddles,trolling and outboard motors.

But now at the price of a new one(grumman) I am looking at a old town guide 147.You can find them new or good used between $300 and $500.

Check out dicks sporting goods.

But if you want a tank that will take on anything and last forever go grumman.

Life of a coleman?

Last summer I picked up a scanoe,1988.

I knew the guy who bought it new,he and a buddy used it several times a month fishing ponds and lakes untill about three years ago.after that it just sat in the shed or behind the shady side of the house.I gave $150 for it just to help with his funeral expences.I know it wasnt much but I think I paid $100 to much.It wasnt abused it just …lets put it this way;I took it up to the cabin.If it gets legs I wont worry about it.

Al the metal framing was loose.The floor bulges up as soon as you sit in it.It’s heavy,hard to paddle,turn,and resell.If it lasts another five to ten years I think Ill just cut it up and use the ram-x as a roof for a dog house.

But on the bright side I think the new ones are made better,I think.

Boat for a lifetime!
I bought a 15’ Grumman new approx. 11 years ago for $450.00. It’s the lightweight version. Used frequently for approx. 2 years until i bought a power boat. Since then i’ve sold the power boat and started kayaking. Havenot used the canoe for about 3 years. This boat will probably outlast me as long as it is not severly abused.No plans to sell or trade as i know this boat will last me thru the rest of my boating life. Plan is to pass along to 2 year old grandson when he gets old enough. By the way a new Grumman is some where between $700.00/800.00 today.

They may not be the prettiest or the most responsive canoes on the market but they sure are durable and make a hell of a good fishing or paddling boat.

Very satisifed!

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There’s a Pelican partly wrapped
around a tree at the end of the class 2++ series on the Toccoa in North Georgia. Pelican, a brand name that says, “expertise.”