Hi All,
Long time lurker, first time poster – Looking for some advice from the masses.
I’m not a super experienced paddler by any means. I’m 38 and have not paddled in a decade ( sadly).
6ft tall
size 13 ft.
Football player build / thick legs from the gym.
Average / Fit.
In my late teens and 20’s I paddled a fair amount. I used to be able to roll, self rescue ( back then).
I paddled mostly freshwater – Great lakes. Nothing too extreme.
I’ve only ever owned two boats.
** - Kevlar Composite Perception Eclipse Sea Lion**
Stable, BIG, Boring Boat.
** - Nordkapp HMC **
Fun. required 100% focus when paddling, Fast, Hard to turn.
Now, I’ve decided that I want to get back into sea kayaking.
I had my heart set on a P&H Cetus MV. While I fit, I found that my size 13 ft are become very uncomfortable after time. They are cramped with the deck height.
In the Cetus HV, I find that the boat is very roomy, perhaps too roomy and I don’t like how the HV handled empty.
Aside from the two boats I owned previously and these two Cetus’s I have no other paddling experience in any other craft.
Locally I’ve found 3 boats that are for sale that are all immaculate. For the price (under $1K Cad) I can’t really pass them up…
If I had the room, I’d pick up all three and test them out come spring, but being in the City (Toronto) I have to pay someone to store my boats so boat hoarding isn’t feasible either unfortunately!
Would anyone here be able to give me a comparison from their own experience with these boats?
Is there anyone here with experience on all three?
Being winter here, it’s impossible to paddle anything for another couple months. I’d like to pick one of these boats up before the spring rush.
Any / insight/ comments or suggestions regarding these boats would be greatly appreciated.
**P&H Cetus Classic ( Kevlar / Composite) **
I seem to fit really well in this boat. It’s between the MV and HV and feels “just right”
**Valley Nordkapp H2O Composite **
Cockpit is a bit tight on the hips, but that’s how I remember my old HMC. I wore that boat as a tight fit too. I really enjoyed it and wished I had never sold the boat.
I’ve heard the H2O is the best of all the boats combined for speed, tracking and stability? Can anyone chime in with their experience?
**P&H Quest Classic Composite **
I have absolutely no experience with this boat and have yet to go sit in it. How does it compare to the two above?
Lastly, I intend to paddle Lake Ontario, Lake Superior and the Atlantic Ocean around Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
Day paddling, minimal surfing and a couple weekend tripping excursions at 2-3 days duration.
Thanks for your help!