Hanging with the single bladers

With Father’s Day I knew it was going to be a busy weekend without much time for paddling, so I was glad to have the option for a Thursday night run at Tville. We had a group of nine including one canoe (me), three kayaks and five paddle boards - @Spiritboat would have liked it. The level was low, but fine for me. It was nice to hang out with a bunch of single bladers, even if they were on paddle boards rather than in canoes. I am lucky to have this run relatively close to home. Few pictures here:


WHHAAATTT!!! That’s crazy

Looks like a great time!

Wow. I would’ve liked it. Even if I had to get along with others(kidding, kidding :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). That level sure looks invitingly high enough after the drought that’s been closer to my neck of the woods. But there has been light rain the past few days, so there’s always hope, I guess. Providing I find local partners.

I’ve never made it over to the legendary T’ville even though I once vowed to, going way back to those olden npmb.com days of yore…Wonderful you had a diverse group playing. Would’ve loved to have tried single blading it on me iSUP, or perhaps use a homemade sail. As with the now warmer weather, I never turn down any potential swims.:wink::+1::v:

I’m thinking lateen sail that folds down to the side of the deck. Maybe a sliding leeboard on one side so you can change the CLR (center of lateral resistance).

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Heh-heh…I’m thinking I’ll just get an old windsurfer. Getting into boards/lateral resistance, I’m gonna stick with standing up in my canoe!


Nice… Haven’t been to T’ville in years (last time was with TommyC1). Interesting to see the ole dude with the squirt boat. With his nose clips on, I am assuming he is practicing his “mystery moves.” :+1:
