I’m beginning to kayak, mostly solo on flat streams and rivers, usually heading upstream for about 2 miles before floating/fishing my way back down. River sections vary from deep/slow to moderate to very shallow, fast riffles with chutes. I waffled between a SINK and SOT in choosing my first kayak, and finally went with a 14’ Old Town Dirigo, which I felt offered the best comprimise between the speed I was looking for and fishing convenience. I also liked the jump seat to take one of my kids. Finding a crazy low deal sealed it for me. So far, I’m thrilled with the Dirigo. It cuts upstream, even through fast stretches, with relative ease. (The only SOT I tried was an 11’ x 30" wide Caper, which I remember felt difficult to move upstream in any kind of current.) Still, I can see the advantage of a SOT for fishing and I wonder just how much slower and more work would a “sleeker” SOT, like a Tarpon 120/140, Prowler 13/15, or Malibu X-13/Extreme be to get upstream? Noticeable? Might I not get past faster sections or be bagging it at the 1 mile mark instead of 2?
I have paddled my Tarpon 160
upstream and it works great. I just got a 140 , so give me awhile and I’ll let you know.
I have the Dirigo 140, got it for the same reason the jumpseat, but I take my granddaughter. I find that it’s fairly responsive and has no problems cutting thru the water.
you paddle upstream a couple miles …
… just to fish ??
Why heck , are you my biological clone … nah couldn’t be , I’m always in a high volumn long canoe , but here’s a toast to ya anyway … good going !!
sink vs sot …
hi …i have noticed most SOT’s are around 30" wide or wider for stability. You want to look at the spec sheet on various brand SOT’s. pick a narrower width , which would make it easier to paddle.or go with a lighter, composite model. I use a WS pamlico 135T w/ rudder that I have set up as a solo boat for fishing, thats another option …a short open cockpit tandem to haul the grandkids. general rule is narrow is fast , less stable…wide is slower but more stable. good luck
Maybe a Pungo
12 or 14 footer. It’s a great fishing platform and should go against the current very well. Although it may not handle shallows as well as a more flat bottomed boat.
Current Designs Altura
They’re out of production this year, but new ones are still out there. I looked long and hard for a SOT that was relatively speedy (to me, anyway) but with bomproof stability and I think this one is it. 15.5 feet and 30 inches wide.