My Standard Greenland Roll (Kinnguffik Paarlallugu) using skinny sticks and a WS Tempest 170 (tupperwear) has become more of a brace than a sweep. I can chain together 4 rolls (braces) in 10 seconds but cannot do ONE single roll in a smooth, graceful, and effortless style. Am I using too much “hip snap” or what? Any suggestions…?
On a related issue, My kayak will NOT allow me to perform a balanced brace. I’m close and can side scull (Innaqatsineq) with very little motion, but fail to balance brace. Maybe my thigh pads are adjusted too far back, or my hip pads restrict my movement, or my spine can’t bend at 90 degrees to the side. Something is definitely wrong and any/all opinions and advice are generously welcome and appreciated.
Slow everything way down
Think about sweeping the paddle out so slowly that it does not even make ripples on the water. Instead of a quick “hip snap” just slowly bend and lift with the knee.
Sometimes when I really sweep hard and fast the lift on the paddle is so great that I pop up even before I can lay back. When I slow down I always seem to come up in the more classic lay-back position.
It can be a little scary to slow everything down. You just feel like the kayak will not roll unless there is a lot of effort. But (at least in my case) it rolls easier the more I just relax and slow down.
I watched Harvey Golden practicing rolls at a symposium and was amazed at how little water disturbance he created while doing all variety of rolls. I was even more amazed because at the time I had no idea it was Harvey. I thought “Wow, this guy should be doing demos.” Later when I saw him doing his demo I felt priveledged to have seen him up close out on the water.
Yup. Slow down.
With a good greenland layback roll you hair should end up smooth and straight back over your head. If it’s mussed up you need to slow down. The Tempest is a fine boat for slow greenland rolls - virtually no hip snap - just wait for the boat to come around as you body twists.
For the balance brace, the biggest problem I see is failure to get/keep both shoulders flat and in the water parallel to the surface. Usually this is caused by limited flexibility. You need to be able to turn your torso (shoulders) 90 degrees without moving your legs. If you can’t do that you’ll have trouble with the balance brace. Your top leg should be loose and your bottom leg straight and pushing on the footbrace. I usually drop my top leg out of the brace completely. This helps to get those shoulders flat. Arch your back a bit as well.
Get a Pamlico 140
Dubside can do it, so should you.
Balance Brace
I found out Saturday that the boat makes a big difference. My buddy (who likes that balance brace stuff) found that the WS Zephyr was effortless compared to his Tempests.
good advice all, especially
slow way down and keep your shoulders parallel to the water (look up). Also consider,
–move the kayak first
–relax, relax, relax
–convert your keyhole to an ocean cockpit with a 2" (?) piece of minicell so that you are really locked in
–get someone to watch you who can point out the subtle differences between success and failure
the balance brace is the foundation for the layback rolls, so it’s worth mastering. men have a harder time (flexibility). it is also easier in salt than fresh water. that said, the key is to push the kayak away from you so it’s resting on its hull while deeply relaxing with little or no pressure on the paddle.
Your username
I am surprised you are not in a skin boat with that username you chose.
Here is a website that may be helpful.
Maybe you have been here but it has some videos that are worth watching.
Move the boat first…?
Thanks everyone. Great input and feedback. I am having a SOF built but until then, I will have to make do with my plastic banana Tempest. I have been taking yoga classes, which really helped my flexibility. So to the point, what movement to the boat do I want to do first to achieve a balanced brace? As someone suggested, do I push the boat away with my lower leg so that I get torso and shoulder rotation to 90 degrees before a strong back arch? I have heard the Turner Wilson quote, “Move the boat first” but never really understood the meaning.
Move the boat first…?
Thanks everyone. Great input and feedback. I am having a SOF built but until then, I will have to make do with my plastic banana Tempest. I have been taking yoga classes, which really helped my flexibility. So to the point, what movement to the boat do I want to do first to achieve a balanced brace? As someone suggested, do I push the boat away with my lower leg so that I get torso and shoulder rotation to 90 degrees before a strong back arch? I have heard the Turner Wilson quote, “Move the boat first” but never really understood the meaning.
are you really Maligiaq?
I can’t believe you’re having so much trouble and ASKING US!
Your profile
Says that one of your favorite spots to paddle is the Greenland sea. If you are Maligiaq can you prove it?