I asked the question a few months ago but cannot remeber the answer. It was a place with a good selection and good prices. I searched the forums and can't find it .It was not Shaw and Tenney. Thanks again .
Jamestown DistributorsThey don’t appear to be manufacturers, but they have a reasonable selection. http://www.jamestowndistributors.com/userportal/show_product.do?pid=1638&familyName=Caviness+Basswood+Boat+Oars&history=882azyuv%7Cother%7CfreeText%7Eoar%5Eengine%7Eoverture%25216457%5Ekeyword%7Eoar%5Epage%7EGRID Sorry for the heinously long link.
try www.barkleysoundoar.com nm