help ID Sea Kayak Manufacturer?

-- Last Updated: Jul-24-16 3:32 PM EST --

So I am a totally newbie to paddle sports, aside from a lot of canoeing in my youth, but I just happened into an older 17' fiberglass sea touring kayak from a friend and after one trip, I'm hooked.

But now that I have this thing, I'd like to learn a little more about the maker, model, etc... if possible.

All I have to go by is a partially legible rectangle label inside the cockpit. The only words I can make out are the big and bold: "BLANK Kayak Works"
(clearly the manufacturer, but the word immediately before the "Kayak" is obliterated aside from it's last letter which is an "e".
So it is "BLANK-e Kayak Works."

Also, at the very bottom there's clearly their slogan/statement that reads something like:
"Laminated and BLANK BLANK BLANK pressure...
using the finest materials available."

That's all I can make out for now. Ring any bells? No amount of google-searching turns up anything with those limited details. Any help would be appreciated!

Surge, maybe?

– Last Updated: Jul-24-16 3:48 PM EST –

Does it look like this model made by a small outfit in Maine who made Surge kayaks? Just a suggestion.

Length is right and they used a combination of high end materials laminated under pressure which sounds like what the label is proclaiming. There are several reviews of the Surge here on, including one posted about a year ago. Maybe if the photo and specs on the link seem to suggest it might be a match you could contact (via email through the site) that owner and see if he/she could send you photos of an intact identifying badge to match to yours.

Hull ID Number?
Look on the right hand rear of the kayak’s outside hull for an ID number.

The first three digits are the manufacturer’s code and you may be able to look them up here…

No Hull ID, just label

– Last Updated: Jul-24-16 5:18 PM EST –

I scoured the hull for a #, but nothing. The label does have a spot where it seems like it used to say "serial number" then a long line following where the number must have been.

re: surge, I'll poke around and see what I can find! thanks for the lead.