I purchased this canoe many years ago off the side of the road. I was told it was a Blackhawk. I have been trying to get more information, any help you can give would be appreciated. Just for full disclosure, I am looking to sell this canoe in the near future.
Best measure I can get, for gunwales bow to stern is 14’ 8" (difficult to measure without assistance)
Wiidth at the centerline: 26.5"
Has a pedestal seat that incorporates all of the flotation.
Serial Number ends in M83M, which I believe indicates it was built in 1983,
I’d like to paddle it, it’s for sure a piece of canoe history. The weirdly shaped bow suggests that it’s a Pat Moore design. Pat was on a pretty wide orbit…I think he’s still out there somewhere.
Check out the boat on the link. It’s a Pat Moore designed manufactured by Blackhawk. I think the Proem was made in several lengths.
It looks like it’s a Blackhawk Covenant. If you Google it you’ll find a little info. I suggest that you call Dave Curtis at Hemlock Canoe and ask him about it…he was hanging out with Phil Sigglekow (Blackhawk founder) back in the day when solo canoe designs were emerging. You will enjoy talking to Dave…tell him Tom in Michigan sent you. I totally agree that it is a shame that the history of composite solo canoes like the Lotus, Blackhawk and Moore boats is already slipping away.
Covenant. I had one for several years, and regret selling it (out of need). Pat Moore design, made by Blackhawk. Bought it from Dave Curtis at Hemlock Canoes.
Thank you VERY much. Seems my mystery is solved. I thank you all.
I plan to sell this. It is not in perfect condition, but if anyone is interested I will go into detail. I would LOVE if it went to someone who will appreciate the history it represents.