Help to choose a tandem river canoe

I am looking for a tandem canoe that should be versatile enough to handle class 2 plus rivers at times yet also have enough room for a dog and camping gear at other times. There will also be some flatwater at times too…

I am very seriously considering the Wenonah Cascade, but would like any advice about comparable or alternative boats. I live in Central Oregon.


Wenonah Prospector 16 RX
Take a serious look at this boat. For what your going to do it would be perfect. Weight’s not too bad at 65#. It does up to Class III admirably and is not difficult to steer in a stratight line. Plenty of room for gear. Dwayne

We-No-Nah Cascade
Having paddled a Cascade for around 6 years I’d have to give it a big thumbs up. I sell We-No-nah and Bell canoes and chose the Cascade originally for a trip in N. Saskatchawan on the Waterfound & Fon-Du-Lac rivers. When it came off the delivery truck I gasped, and stated “what a f****** PIG!”. Having paddled a We-No-Nah Odyssey for years the Cascade looked huge (portly)in comparison. On its initial paddle on flat water I didn’t come away too impressed, It doesn’t track (empty) too well. What a f****** pig I again stated. Well, after running the first rapid after the float plane disappeared in Sasketchawan she soon bore the permanent title of ‘Dancing Miss Piggy’. The hull is super on a river and being a total novice in whiteH2o I came away very impressed. It goes where you tell it, it handles big waves, stays fairly dry and induces a good deal of confidence in ‘the rough’ and with some load in it actually paddles fairly nice on the flats for such a big (pig) boat. We had 2 30 mile days on the end of the Fon-Du-Lac were the river seams to lose all noticeable flow. Back home in S. Illinois I use it to transport my girlfriend and her two (unable to sit still) boys around our local paddling/swimming hole. Even with all the moving around the boat is super stable and tracks and moves fine for such a pig. It gets some duty as a load hog for weekends at the lake loaded down with firewood and coolers and all the stuff I’d never take on a wilderness trip. Don’t get me wrong about the ‘pig’ bit… I really like this boat for its intended usage (rivers, class 2-3 whiteH2o, load hauling) and for its ability to take a load of squirming kids safely. I’ve used the boat on the Pipestone in Ontario and a friend has taken it down some eastern rivers as well as the Rio Grand with his girl and kids and never had any handling issues. Again… I’d give it 2 thumbs up. The boat is a great multi-use hull and I don’t think you will be disapointed. If I had to nit-pick the only complaint would be its 70lbs.+ weight, but hey, it is a big seaworthy hull and maybe I’ve been spoiled by my Odyssey which is longer yet 30lbs. lighter. But then you can’t do with the Odyssey what you can do with ‘Dancing Miss Piggy’. Give the boat a paddle… I think you will be happy.

Prospector models are good tandems.
Try both the Wenonah Prospector and the Novacraft Prospector. The Novacraft outperformed a Penob 16. good on slower sections of river and very forgiving in classII. Hauls a load as well.

Wenonah Cascade
I own several canoes and have a Wenonah Cascade in the stable. I am 6’4" 220 and usually paddle with similar sized people. I use it for down river white water and down river camping trips. The Cascade has tremendous flare and volume in the bow. A number of times we have plowed into a wave that my other boats would have knifed into - the Cascade rides right up and everyone/everything stays dry. I haven’t had to portage it much and wouldn’t want to. The royalex will save you from some spills that fiberglass or kevlar canoes will grab onto. When I took my 1 year old grandson out for his 1st canoe ride we used the Wenonah Cascade. I recommend it for big loads and big rivers.