I’m a new and gentle kayaker. I got a sundolphin Journey SS 10’ sit on top. I like it but it tracks awful. However when my little granddaughter sits right behind me it’s okay. But from what I read it needs a skeg, or 2. The back has 3 creases with 2 flat areas. If it were flat in the middle I could handle it but it needs more than a 4" wide base. So what would you recommend? And how far from the back do you place it/them? We go to small lakes and a calm river.
Thank you.
Here’s a good article discussing rudders and skegs: https://paddling.com/learn/going-straight-rudder-or-skeg/
How much does your granddaughter weigh? If your kayak is easier to keep on course when she is sitting behind you, have you considered adding some weight in that area when she is not with you? That would be a less expensive and doable option than adding a rudder or skeg.
Well, there are glue on (easily removable) rubber skegs on Amazon for as little as $12 but first I’d try what @Rookie recommends. Maybe a few gallon jugs of water (a gallon weighs 8lbs) back there would do the trick.
Thank you both. My son suggested a bag filled with 30-40lbs of formed concrete if I wanted that extra weight. Ha. I’ll try it to see if the added weight helps all the time and if the inconvenience is worth it. Appreciate it!!
Much easier to bring empty gallon jugs which can be filled at your launch site, then emptied at the end of your outing. Or, have your son be your concrete sherpa.
I would recommend looking into something longer and more seaworthy that already has an adjustable skeg, but taking the grand’daughter along might be a serious consideration.
@LizGray said:
Thank you both. My son suggested a bag filled with 30-40lbs of formed concrete if I wanted that extra weight. Ha. I’ll try it to see if the added weight helps all the time and if the inconvenience is worth it. Appreciate it!!
Water doesn’t sink, concrete does.
Ha. I’ll try the water to start. I’m 71 and a friend and I just paddle for fun to relax. This was a gift so not getting another one. THANK y’all!
@LizGray said:
Ha. I’ll try the water to start. I’m 71 and a friend and I just paddle for fun to relax. This was a gift so not getting another one. THANK y’all!
Good for you, LizGray! Having fun is what it’s all about. Hope you keep on introducing your granddaughter to paddling. Maybe someday you’ll want a tandem.