Hey Ohio!

I’m looking for a place to dip my blade. I’ll be around Summit and Stark counties for a class reunion at the end of the summer. I used to live in Uniontown but that was long before I realized the joy of paddling. I plan on paddling down at Salt Fork SP. After that I may head north a bit to my old stompin’ grounds. I’m a sea kayak guy so I’d rather stay out of any class II water. I was thinking maybe one of the canals?? Cuyahoga Valley National Park?? What do you think?? Oh, FWIW, just a short day paddle.

Thanks for the advice!

You might try
Mogadore Reservoir. From Uniontown, head north on Cleveland Ave. Turn east on Waterloo road to SR43, then head north. The Madadore boat house will be on your right, you can put in there. Paddle underneath the bridge to get to the main section of the lake.

You could also try Springfield Lake, but it’s pretty boring, basically a big round pond. (Same directions as above, but go west on Waterloo Road about a mile or so).

The Portage Lakes are also nice, west of Uniontown. A number of different lakes there, somewhat connected.

Nimisila and Mogadore
I like Nimisila (Summit)or Mogadore (Portage). They are both about 800-900 acres. They can be busy but quiet since its electric motors only. Check out the ODNR website for maps. Shorelines are virtually undevloped and there is a fair bit of wildlife. We’ve seen osprey and mink there.

Portage Lakes
The Portage Lakes are great but you have to paddle them early in the morning before the party barges hit the water. Its a series of lakes interconnected by channels. You also have to like looking at houses though. There is not much shoreline that is not occupied. The homes range from old vacation cottages to beautifuuly landscaped mansions. Its a nice paddle to put in on Turkeyfoot and paddle around the island at the south end of East Reservoir.

I recall being on Portage when I was but a youth. Used to water ski on Springfield, Berlin and IIRC West Branch?? I don’t remember Nimisila, but I seem to recall a road named Nimisila Church. I’ll have to check that one out. Funny how I had forgotten these places until y’all had reminded me…

Anything further north maybe??

I’ve canoed at

– Last Updated: Mar-10-09 5:10 PM EST –

Hinckley Lake. It's part of the Cleveland MetroParks system, and is northwest of Akron. At about 90 acres, it is a little smaller than Mogadore or Nimisilia.

Of course, if you're sea kayaking, there is always that big lake just north of Cleveland....

Oh, and by the way, if you're looking for Nimisila Reservoir, and find yourself on Nimishillen Church Road, you're lost... :-)

"Oh, and by the way, if you’re looking for Nimisila Reservoir, and find yourself on Nimishillen Church Road, you’re lost… :-)"

Guess I better bring the Garmin!!

Salt Fork is a great place to paddle

– Last Updated: Mar-11-09 3:34 PM EST –

Get this book:


If you like to combine paddling and hiking with a little historical exploration. It even has a picture of my kayak in it.

Salt Fork is a Gem
I agree with puddlefish. Salt Fork should be on your list of places to paddle in Ohio. Clendening is also another top destination. I would recommend picking up a copy of the book as well. Don’t let the picture of Puddlefishes kayak turn you off, Salt Fork is well worth the time.

all sorts of places.
okay you probably won’t want to be going down the mighty Tusc., but it is always a fun afternoon to do that. At the Portage lakes there are MANY places to paddle around, and I go to one without the ski boats. It isn’t too big, but makes a very nice day. Unfourtuneately I can’t think of all the names of the roads…I mean it is, like, Mount Pleasent to where kids always graffitti the street street sign, turn right then go up to where you think the dock is and realize you missed it by 50 feet. then turn around and try not to cuss so loud that the fishermen hear you.

But if you are up here and want to get out for a day and want to be around the Portage Lakes drop me a line. I am sure my family would love to help out. I skipped Canoecopia this year, so I need something to “Kickoff” my season.


the OP said end of summer
are you really waiting that long?

Looks like…
a neat book. I think I’ll pick it up. Hey, what page is your kayak on? :slight_smile: