How badly do I need a bent shaft canoe paddle?

You’ll figure out how to feather the paddle quickly. Just twist it so the face isn’t turned into the wind, not a big deal, it becomes muscle memory soon.

@TomL :Maybe it was just the guy I bought them from. John is a rep for them and got a discount when buying a bunch. He has at least fifty of them and every one is a 9 degree bend.

Thanks to everyone for the good discussion here. Wasn’t expecting 100 posts about canoe paddles

You definitely can’t just put it down on your gunwales on a windy day. Nope. But if you just rest the paddle with the blade on the floor in front of you it won’t fly away. And even if it ever got away it floats. :slight_smile:

Your thread has me thinking about a power surge type paddle.

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make sure you tell Bob i sent you…i need a discount on my next paddle :grinning: