How does one know their experience level

Limited by our genes
Stephan Jay Gould, world renouned Anthropologist, Biologist, and author wrote (paraphrase)

We are limited by several central facts. We are less than 2 meters tall. Our brains see patterns in everything regardless of whether there is one there. We make polarities out of complex events thus over simplifying things. And we don’t really live long enough to learn from our experiences, each generation has to learn the same things all ove again.

The world is made up of two kinds of paddlers, those who understand the above and those who don’t.

and then there are those who really pack a good picnic.

We are all intermediates
Beginners don’t know enough to ask.

Experts get paid for their opinions.

Lots of room in the intermediate class.

Or Add 2 More Levels
IMHO, it does seem like there should be a “novice” beyond beginner, and an expert beyond advanced. A beginner could then be someone who has little to no skills and little to no knowledge. A novice would have some skills and perhaps even a lot of knowledge. I’m not qualified to distinguish advanced from expert, but it does sound like there are people who “know it cold” (advanced) and people who actually advance the sport (experts).


Mmmmmm spam
What a picnic!

yup, those guys are in the canoes! :slight_smile:

Level ?
JMO, but a good friend (many time natl. champ. marathon racer) once told me we are best at conditions, we paddle most. He felt that when he entered the other guys enviroment, he was at a disadvantage & even great paddlers were not at their best on everything.

I think it’s great that you question your ability. If in doubt, scout & always listen to others with experience. Good luck & have fun!

Don’t Worry About It
Don’t worry about labels. Paddle where you feel comfortable and at whatever level you want. Some like to be challenged some like to just relax. To each their own. It shouldn’t be about ego and bragging rights. I like to challenge myself but that doesn’t make me better than someone just enjoys flat water.