How long do map edits and launch comments take to post?

I have made several map edits in my area and posted a number of comments to help other kayakers out, but nothing has posted in the past month. Many of the launches in my area have 11-12 year old comments and I posted a bunch of updates. I assume these get moderated or forwarded to local super users or something. Thanks.

No, updates and additions to maps are not moderated. I think that section of the site has been broken since pNet was sold. Or maybe when the software was changed.

Yikes, that’s disappointing. I was looking at an area another county over from me and there were edits to a launch as recent as 21 days ago. Something somewhere is working it seems. Thanks for the intel either way.

It seems that sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t… not a good thing.

Maybe @VSAdmin can have this looked into.

I will raise this one with the team

Can I get a screenshot or link as an example?


@VSAdmin I have been away a bit and just noticed your reply. Recovering from a little kayak-related sunburn actually haha.

I first edited Harmony Canoe Launch on 5/31. I made a substantial number of edits and also added a Disqus comment, none of which appeared. After noticing my edits weren’t up, I attempted another edit on 6/12 and those are not live either.

On 6/12, I edited Portersville Bay and it looks like my Disqus comment posted, but none of the other details like the name change. I have a screen capture of the email I received that listed the fields I suggested edits for. (I’m only including one screen capture to avoid cluttering this post but I can add more if needed.)

On 6/13 I suggested that The Spot be removed because it is an obvious duplicate of the one I was suggesting edits for the day before.

Then finally on 6/20 I posted edits to Christian’s Landing in terms of description and parking features, but at that point I was pretty much giving up on ever seeing my edits show on the map.

My gut instinct was that there is an area-wide approver or moderator or something approving or denying all these changes, but an earlier reply mentioned that is not the case. I did receive a confirmation email each time I placed an edit. Some of the launches in my area are quite stale and I’m happy to contribute changes where I can, I’m just not seeing them. Thanks for your time.


Sorry for the delay, are you seeing them now?



I have been entering LOTS of information into your Website. My “Trip” is called “Great Pinery Heritage Waterway”. Only a few of the items I have entered have shown up on your Website. I have many examples of your conformation emails in a Word Document with dates and times. I would be happy to send this document to you if you provided me with a means to do so. I hope once you have the examples the issue(s) with website updates can be corrected.

Many Thanks,
Daniel Bowen

Still being looked into. I’m currently having trouble accessing the link at all. Did you try and delete it?




I will attempt to upload the WORD document with many of the Add/Change/Update Paddling Confirmations. Looks like only images can be uploaded, too bad.

Dan Bowen

Sent you an email so we can try to get these edits done :+1:


Did you get the WORD document with all of the updates I tried and could not find in the system.

Hey there
Very sorry for the dropping off on this. I found your word document in my spam folder, which is thankfully set to not automatically clean. I can move forward with the doc changes now, but let me know if you want to re-submit.
