How to make a K-2 from a K-1

Jack L

How many of those things have you rescued? LOL! Deb fished one out of a marsh in NY much the same way, we thought of you!

That was the very first one. Needless to say no speed records were broken!
Now they go upside down with the legs out of the water.
We have about ten of them here in the mountains and another eight at our place in the Keys.
After they are cleaned Nanci spray paints them different colors, and I always put the GPS way points and what Key or waterway where they were found under the bottom.
Every time any of the grandchildren come the first thing they do is look at the bottom of the new ones.
In wally world, they are about $15 and with the labor and paint, these are probably worth ???

We call it “cleaning up the Keys - one chair at a time”, but they are also our souvinirs of the various places we have paddled. She likes the Adirondack style and I like the straight back ones.

Jack L

I love it!

now THAT is the photo of the week for me!

Now all you need to do is put a big guy on the back seat with a fishing pole and an enormous cooler on the front deck to trim the boat, and you could hire yourself out as a fishing guide/motor/hook baiter/bar tender.

Take a SUP next time you’re doing the garbage collection route. Wasn’t there a thread recently asking about using a chair on a SUP? Actually, canoes are the best garbage haulers - the big 17’ ones, not those puny little solos… :wink:

@Sparky961 said:
Take a SUP next time you’re doing the garbage collection route. Wasn’t there a thread recently asking about using a chair on a SUP? Actually, canoes are the best garbage haulers - the big 17’ ones, not those puny little solos… :wink:

“SUP” - We both know what the “S” stand for !

@JackL said:
“SUP” - We both know what the “S” stand for !

Do we really? I’ll bet I use different “S” words than you do… but to each their own. :wink: I’m a kayak guy.

Nice idea, rescuing chairs. Can’t say that is something I usually find.

@Celia said:
Nice idea, rescuing chairs. Can’t say that is something I usually find.

I do… But rarely in good shape to sit in… Also find used canoes on the installment plan… One third down in that tree… Another three miles another canoe segment… and the final on the homestretch. Or canoes beached to be a river hazard that have no bottom…ergo you cant empty them!

@Sparky961 said:

@JackL said:
“SUP” - We both know what the “S” stand for !

Do we really? I’ll bet I use different “S” words than you do… but to each their own. :wink: I’m a kayak guy.

When I am in the kayak I like that the best. When I am in the tandem canoe I like that the best. when I am in my solo canoe, I like that the best and when I am on my SUP, I like that the best.
Oops I almost forgot my little WW yak that I love on I-II rivers

Should have went with a chase lounge chair


Jack & Nanci have seating for a cast of thousands at their place in Key Largo, all thanks to their eagle eyes, perseverance, kayaks, restoration skills, sense of style, and many cans of a veritable rainbow of colors of Krylon for plastics. Great finds, and great for planting oneself in and swapping lies and having painkillers and margaritas with sll thd udual suspects.

A great way to unwind especially if, but even if you didn’t that day,


Frank in Miami

Some used to argue," rudder!"
Others would retort, “skeg!”
With QCC’s plumb bow to see,
Greenlanders would call it, keg."

But it’s ok one climbs on K2 for fun,
as it rises one four legs,
to take the seat as chair of Mangrove Sea’s Le Mayor,
Resin-nating K-1 good egg.

For stream trash pick up I put trash bag in laundry basket, in canoe and pick up trash with grabber. We can usually get three to four 33gal bags in one canoe trip