I have a Thule Hullavator installed on Ford Expedition.
I love this device however, i am a little disapointed that it is not more padded to protect my kayak. There is a lot of hard plastic and steel that makes me a little scared to strap my fiberglass kayak down tightly.
I was wondering if anyone has added padding/carpet to their Hullavator?
And then some
Replaced the plastic mounting plates with aluminum plates, included a stainless lock washer, added tube pads, added padding, etc. After all this I then sold it used and went with a Kari-Tek 1300 with 3 Thule Hull-a-Port Pros.
Give a call if you want me to walk you through the modifications. I think I have left over aluminum plates in my tool box.
See you on the water,
The River Connection, Inc.
Hyde Park, NY
Yep … had too
Hard chine / low volume boats do not stay put very well… had to strap on some foam pads… still not completely happy, but I really like that I don’t have to lift the boats up…
Marshall, Are you selling the Kari Tek racks at River Connection… I do not see it on your website… or can you tell me where you got yours from… none here in the midwest that I have found.Thanks
I carry them. The new website iteration will have info on them. Just drop me a line with details of what you want to do.
I also made up adaptors for the Thule products from some stock Thule components ss bolts.
See you on the water,
The River Connection, Inc.
Hyde Park, NY
Thank you
Thank You Marshall,
As usual you come through with some great suggestions.
I recommend that anyone in the area stop by The River Connection in Hyde Park, NY (or check out your webpage).