Can anyone tell me anything about this company, it is relatively new. I saw some on their boats at an Alpine Shop show in St Louis yesterday. They are made from, what they call, Trylon. It is like the Air Light perception uses. The had several smaller boats and a 16.5 brit style boat they call a Tracer. I was wondering is anyone knows anything about the boat, the material, the company or the owner, I think he worked for Perception.
The boat looked sharp. I would like to get one if it paddles as good as it looks. But, it only weighs 46#. Sounds a little light for a 16.5 and I am wondering about its durability.
Anyone know anything?
I’ve seen 2 of their earlier boats that
have been used as rentals for a couple of years. Hardly a scratch on them.It appears to be really tough.
Hurricane Aqua Sports
I have a Santee XL made by them. 11.5 feet so its a lot different than what you’re looking at. I like the boat and find it fast for its size. We’ve had it in class 1 and 2 rapids without issue. Other than I put a crack in the bottom. Not the boats fault I think. Went over too many rocks. I fixed it and have used is since so not an issue.
Make sure you sit in one before buying it. I find the Santee XL gets uncomfortable pretty quick. I’ve been looking at several 3rd party seats.
Good luck.
Only 2
poeple have heard or know anything about this company?
Did you see the website?
I assume you saw their webpage. Not very well done, looks like its still work-in-progress. I wish these people would put prices on their stuff.
Yes Web site sucks
but there 16.5 looked good at the show. I am just wondering about the construction and materials.
I paddled one…
on the outer banks of NC. The Tampico was the model…13.5’ and low volume…I was a bit big for the boat, but it handled wind and 2 ft seas well. Fit and finish were average, but the material was excellent. Look at upgrading the seat. The Tampico had small hatch openings, but they were dry. The larger boat has different hatches based on what I have seen on the web. The Tampico handled well and turned OK on a lean. It is my wifes favorite paddle so far.
To sum up…A good design, excellent price to weight ratio, and average fit and finish. Don’t expect the details of a boat 2X the price, but a good value if you are on a budget.
Alpine Shop will have a demo day
At Creve Coeur lake in May, if you tell them your interested they’ll probably bring the boat out so you can try it. If your serious about buying they can arrange a demo earlier. I didn’t notice that boat but we weren’t there very long.
Good Luck
One of my neighbors just got the Tampico and as a novice she finished the recent Bacall race in terrible conditions, says a lot for the boat. Her hubby got the Tracer two days ago but has not had it out yet. The rep was at the B&B… GH
A friend has the Tracer. He is still
getting use to it. It is a very ‘tender’ boat. His comment: “Youi better knowb haow to brace”.Fit and finish are excellent.
OK just tried the Tracer…
It felt quick and handled leaned turns with ease. Much more foot room than the Tampico. Prefered to not use the skeg but wasn’t in a cross wind. Felt solid but playful. Add some thigh braces and have some fun. I was impressed on the first paddle. GH
…great boats…
…but I believe the company has had some problems with delivery(& lost a few dealers) …I have a Santee & it is a very well made boat. I have a lot of faith that this company will overcome their problems & be around a long time. Great value for your money.
Jon Hand is the owner and coincidently he stopped by at my shop in St. Marys, Ga yesterday on his way back from B & B races. Bottom line is I trust this man. At no point has he tried to shove product down our throats and has been easy to reach. He is a paddler. We have had three of his boats in our rental fleet for over two years (and looking at my own kayaks vice the standard rentals we use, one rental year of scrapes, wear, etc… on a kayak is like three years of private ownership, if not more.)The Hurricane boats are doing great and people rea;;y like them.
When he started out he was under financed and when the boats took off he had trouble meeting demand. Last year he got major financing from AN AMERICAN BANK and has not had stock and delivery problems since then.
Still, he has a small company with all the attendent advantages and in my eyes, few disadvantages. Yes, the web site is basic and some people would prefer more barcolounger type seats.
We had a customer actually crush one of his boats with about a ton or two of force the first week she had it and Jon sent us a bare hull at cost so we could swap all the outfitting and get the customer a replacement boat at under half the cost of a new boat. I like that kind of service.
Bottom line, the boats are good if they match up with your style of paddling.
Is their “Tracer” a copy of P&H’s Capella? If so what characteristics does it have that makes it similar/different from the Capella? Last does anybody know if their plastic is a poly-carbon type (like Eddyline) or an ABS type?
Poly-carbon or ABS?
Can anyone tell me the difference between the two. Also, what is good and what is bad about each
one more time
I am just moving this back up to the top for one more run.
If anyone has anything to add please feel free. I would like to thank all of you who have given me your input.
Trylon - Swift Canoe/Kayak
Don’t know anything about Trylon or the other new plastics, but it appears Swift will offer 5 of its boats in Trylon beginning this year. See: