I came back!

I think a few people here will remember me. I added a “II” to my old screen name since I couldn’t revive my old profile without my old email service which was abandoned by the operator and which recently stopped working for good (thanks, AT&T). There were a few times I tried returning but the site didn’t seem to be operating properly and wouldn’t load and display a registration page. Just now, that feature finally worked.

What’s it been, about seven years? I don’t even know.

What’s new is that I am recently retired and I’ve been having way too much fun with little projects I never had time for before, I’ve been fishing as much or more in any given month than I ever did during my entire working career, and I actually haven’t been paddling and rowing as much as years ago but I have by no means stopped.

Oh, and related to retirement, how could I forget to mention that after having set it all aside for 43 to 45 years, I have renewed practicing on drums and mallet-keyboard, and my recovery and continued progress has enormously exceeded any expectations that I had!


Welcome back… any new boats? I’ve added this 16’ Warren Cole in the last couple years…

Sure I remember you. Welcome back!

Glad to have you back on board. I always enjoyed your perspective. I have taken sailing back up but still paddle my canoes and sea kayaks. The only rowing I do is with my sailboats when the wind quits.

Welcome back! I always enjoyed your perspective. Glad to hear you are enjoying retirement! I certainly have for the past 4 years. And, you may be interested to know I have started learning to play the didgeridoo.

LOL! I took up the ukelele in 2020. Make and play the NAF. Don’t have the circular breathing down for the didgeridoo. I have an elk rawhide hand drum, but only simple drumming skills. I can carry a soprano ukelele in the sea kayak and the NA Flute anywhere.

You’ll pick-up circular breathing
whilst play’n ukelele,
repeatin’ five times “Israel Kamakawiwoʻole”
about hundred times daily.
(and be able to scintillatingly cite of shes selling seashells by seashores)

Tootin’ bout yer shufflin’ madness, Mr. Anderson! Roll on, Rahsaan! Kirk out.

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I’m not sure which is better, seeing GBG come back in or another one of your most excellent contributions! Thanks!

I see some familiar names here, but some new ones. Still, some of the new names are of people that remember me so perhaps some of you switched names in the meantime? Or, maybe my memory just isn’t that good, and that’s possible.

Darkstar, that is an AWESOME boat, but so is the other one pictured with it. I was just trying to imagine a good car analogy to illustrate this to others, - - - but I’m not really a car guy. But if I were, I’d think of some car that is very old, very rare, and which was very upscale back in its day.

Oh, Darkstar, to answer your question, I did get a new boat, I think shortly after I disappeared from this place. I got a Nova Craft Prospector 16 in their new hull material - what’s it called, Tuff Stuff? I set up both seats for kneeling.

Castoff, regarding how you row when the wind dies, I once used my guide-boat to tow a small sailboat when the wind died. It was about 20 or 22 feet long, which wasn’t small enough! No more Mr. Nice Guy if I find myself in that situation again!

It’s so interesting to hear about the musical pursuits of others - something normally not mentioned. A didgeridoo! Holy crap! (Now for some reason I’m thinking of the old Far Side cartoon. “Welcome to Heaven. Here’s your harp.” / “Welcome to Hell. Here’s your accordion.”)


Ha! I tease my brother-in-law that I haven’t yet decided whether I will take up a Squeeze Box or Bagpipes next when he teases me about the Ukulele.

Welcome back GBG.

It’s good to hear your voice again. Always thought you provided good advice to those looking for help. Welcome back.

Nice to know that you still around and paddling. :+1:


As was said…welcome back!

Bagpipes could get you assaulted but I heard some at Jocassee one evening.

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I love the pipes. They stir me to go out and kill something that needs killing. No wonder the Scots were such fearsome fellows. I guess their idea of a rush was to put on a skirt and torture a cat, while carrying a big sword. Daring anyone to come out and tell them to go elsewhere and do that.

Couldn’t resist looking up the reference of our poet laureate:

“…In the shuffling madness…”

…Ian Anderson and the rest of Jethro Tull in “Locomotive Breath”


PS - In your honor, we also can’t forget the lyrics of “Aqualung” from the same ensemble:

“Feeling like a dead duck
Spitting out pieces of his broken luck…”

Hi ! I recently came here too! I came to sell my QCC…it sold thru fb actually…and NO i wasnt scamming anybody! Hahaha!! Im not a scammer…to think that someone suggested that…sorta possed me off…im just 1 of the early p.net people…

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Welcome back Linda! Hope you are doing ok. Are you still paddling?