I made a mistake today

We have an elderly dog and my wife has said that she does not want another. I give her 48 hours…the pitter patter of little feet is just a part of our lives now…

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Lots of sniffing and licking… :slight_smile:

How perfectly splendid!

We have been delayed for a week until the baby gets here. Probably a good thing because her adult mommy is still recovering from knee replacement surgery. She has been making great progress and is looking forward to the puppy. Honey and I are a bit skeptical.

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Baby is on the left. Still looks like a varmint.


Bella is here and being spoiled at 9 weeks old. She weighs 8 lb and eats like a dog food advertisement.


She has sharp teeth and likes trying them on different objects.

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It’ll be fine - her shark teeth will be gone in 6 months or so. :japanese_ogre:

The way I raise my dogs is that I don’t allow that and fold their lips back on their own teeth if they bite.
I know it sounds mean but every breastfeeding mom will understand that it’s life training 101.
We keep a clear line between our furniture, our food, our skin because when you are always traveling and moving they have to be well trained or your life will be miserable.

But congratulations :tada: :blush:

Puppy Love! Can be painful…

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Yeah, tried that. As well as many other things. Does not work with every dog, apparently. It just winds ours up more.

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Bella is enjoying her step sister . Her entire head fits in Honey’s mouth.


She can climb.


A dog behaviorist friend of mine suggests mimicking how Bella’s litter mates would react. Turn into a drama queen, using high pitched ‘yelps’ the way a puppy might. If you’ve ever accidentally stepped on a dog’s paw, you know the sound. Then withdraw your hand/arm and put on a very sad face. Never underestimate a dog’s ability to read your facial expressions!

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She has carved 2 bleeders into my hands. My response was a loud OUCH and she has been more cautious with her teeth.


Bella has calmed a bit. Still an aggressive little rocket who seems to be half cat. Got her first trim today so we can see her eyes.


Dog half cat!!!?
Why that felonious canine-nive!
It’ll be prrr-fectin’ its ersatz,
at least for four point five jive lives.

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