Identify this paddle

I picked up this used Werner all carbon fiber paddle with the CD Solstice SS I got this week. The seller told me they bought it in 1993. It’s a very small blade. I cannot see any model info on the paddle anywhere. Does anybody know which Werner model this is?

Looks like the “@” is messing up the hyperlink. You’ll have to copy and paste the link into your browser.

Looks like a Sorite.

Probably fiberglass shaft and plastic blades - no carbon.

is that an old
Little Dipper? I’ve seen that exact paddle in a book, will have to check when I get home

old little dipper,
Old version of the LD had narrower blades and was more symmetrical than current model.

Long ago Werner also used to make the “Arctic Wind” (sort of a big daddy/uncle to original LD) with really long blades something like 3" wide:

It’s Made by Vandelay Industries
and you want to be my latex salesman.