Need help in finding some one who owns an Impex Outter Island and Force 4 kayak to sit in for fit or even better a test run.Iam wanting to buy one of these boats but none to be found in my area in any of the available stores in my location. My location being Houston Tx… If someone can help in this area please contact me at .
OI vs Force4
You might also try posting on the Impex message board to see if there’s someone local. Also, company folks read it and may point you to a local dealer you were not aware of. I think its a subpage off of
Impex kayaks
Thanks for the info appreciate it, just don’t want to buy sight unseen.
what are you looking for???
Two very different boats…I’ve paddled both quite a bit. What are you looking for in a kayak? What do you typically do while kayaking? Both track well, though the OI is more of an arrow through the water. The Force is more comfortable for all day excursions, while my legs can usally only tollerate the OI for a few hours. Both are fun to roll, but the Force is easier to get back into. I’d say the OI offers more rolling options if you get into the tougher rolling styles. The Force is more of an all around outing boat, where I feel the OI is more specific…if that helps at all…
OI or force4
Iam 6’1" tall size 12 shoe that may aliminate the OI.I,am looking for a boat that tracks straight with little to no weather cocking. I hate using a skeg if all possible ,storage is not at all important except for a day hatch.I,ll be using the boat in large bay systems , mostly wind and chop little to no swells.
I have an OI
size 11 feet (between 10.5 and 11 depending on the manufacturer)
last poster was right. kinda depends on you and how you sit. I have no issues after a lot of skin on frame paddling to stretch my legs/feet just on the hull and paddle that way a lot.
Never felt any issues with the foot pegs or the area being too small either.
Am in SC if you ever venture this way.
Now having said that, I might be putting the OI back on the market as I want to save up for a Khatsalano…