I saw that one.
A friend sent me the info on that e-bay one. I did want a longer one, and this ebay New Yorker won’t ship it. Just a bit too far to drive for even a cheap canoe. I appreciate the heads up though.
You are “literally” missing the boat buddy.
You should just “pony up”, and buy mine.
If you don’t watch out, you’re going to end up spending a hundred fifty dollars for shipping, or travel expense, plus the price of the boat.
I Remember That
Thanks GBG, I remember your comments from before. They are one of the reason’s that I renewed for another year. I almost let that account lapse a couple of months back {I run 5 P.T. acct’s} but thought that once in awhile someone will get something out of the information it contains. Besides that, cropping & uploading all of those images took a little time so I have more than just $$ invested in them…
Thanks again!!
Aluminum canoe
Grumman,or Marathon boat works do not make a 16' canoe,to date. I don't think they ever did. But I could be wrong. There are other manufacturers that might. Sportspal, radisson,ect. Maybe one of these might fill the bill.I have a 15' grumman standard, 30 years old,purchased for a song.It isn't a great boat, but it will get me to most of the fishing holes & back.Overall a good all around rec. boat.Set it on A couple of saw horses, and you have a pretty good work, or storage table. This is why most people hang on to them. Why get rid of it.I hope you find what your looking for.
Depending on what you plan on using the Grumman for…The Grumman bow works better on rivers because of it’s shape…If you plan on doing Lakes, the Alumicraft has a better bow shape for lakes…The Grumman turns better , the alumacraft tracks better…If you are going to do a lot of portaging, Like BWCA, you might look for a Alumacraft Lightning model…only 63 The Grumman came is many different lay-ups… even a 7 rib WW model…and a 20 foot 90+ pounder…and so does the Alumacraft, so depending on your use, you might want to check out their weights…Both brands came in 15 or 17 foot…don’t believe they ever made a 16 footer (might be wrong)the most common is the 17 foot
Best Wishes
17ft gruman
for sale at midwestmtn.com on the forum page under buy,sell trade titled canoe for sale. the ad is dated in oct. but could still be forsale. $450 and in real nice shape
I do appreciate it Bob. Really do…
I know yours is a great canoe. I may end up making that drive if you still have it later, if you still want to sell it later, and for some reason I can’t find what I need here.
It’s well over 500 miles to get yours. My whole point is to try to get one both in my price range within a reasonable driving distance. Wouldn’t make much sense to drive that far to buy what a neighbor around the corner might have. I’m in no hurry, so I’ll take the time to see first.
I know there are a slew of them around here that aren’t being utilized. I’ve seen probably a thousand of them off the side of waterways all over this area. (Kentucky is second only to Alaska in the miles of waterways btw) I have decided I’m getting 2 17’ Grummans now. I wasn’t aware that Grumman didn’t make a 16’, but that’s fine. For what I’m doing with them I’ll need the 17’.
Thanks again for all the information.