I am looking for a 16’ or 17’ aluminum Gruman canoe that is in very good condition cheap. There are millions of them out there that are obviously not being used. Am in the Nashville Area. How about it? Anyone ready to get rid of that Grumman they’re not using anymore? Make me a deal I can’t turn down.
Pa. outfitter has one…
that he traded ,here is a link
http://www.shanksmare.com/newsandviews.asp Scroll to bottom of this page.
Comes with paddles,and cushions,asking $695,but cash usually will get him down in price.It looks like new ,few dents,bright aluminium. I was thinking about it ,but no place to store it.
Happy Paddling billinpa
Get this, according this
there are still 500,000 Grumman canoes estimated still is service. So you should still be able to find a good one cheap. I’ve seen them go for as little as 150.00 http://www.cortlandbusiness.com/pdf/BDCNews_Fall2001.pdf
33,000 alone were produced in 1974 because of the 1972 movie Deliverance
I sure had some good times in those old Grumans.
One in WI
Check out this link. Ther is one for sale $275.00
in WI.
I have one…
hanging on the side of my house. You would be more likely to buy one of my kids than that old thing. It was the only thing that survived my insanely nasty divorce. I bought her 1 week after the movie “Deliverance” came out.
Good Luck Tony!
I hear ya…
Kind of hard to get rid of something that was that hard to get huh Jay? BTW, I don’t need anymore kids. The one I have is more than a handfull.
That one in Milwaukee is over 500 miles driving. It’s not worth a trip that far ofcourse, but I’ll call them, to see if they might headed this way to Florida anytime soon. Ya just never know. It is more in the price range I’m looking for.
I saw an ad for a 17’ Grumman about 1-2 years ago in “like new” condition in my local paper for only $175. I called the guy who had it and he said he’d bought it new, and it had just been sitting in his barn loft collecting dust. Said he’d only paddled it maybe a dozen times. I was travelling at the time, and didn’t take the time to go get it. I guess we’ve all done stupid things like that at one time or another, but boy, I wish I could find a guy like that again.
I appreciate the replies. Someone will come along with what I’m looking for at the right price. I’m sure of it.
An Old Grumman is Very Utilitarian
I found one for $35, however it was beat to hell and the the bottom was concave. Three new ribs and a lot of fender work and the bottom is almost concave. I hame named it “The WOK”.
The aluminum boats don’t get much respect when compared to Royalex and Kevler, but they do last.
I saw the one at Shank’s Mare
I saw the aluminum canoe a Shanks Mare, and it really does look nice. Check it out!
Merry Christmas!
That’s all that really matters.
“Classified Ads” on this website…
…is where you can list a “wanted” ad to aid in your search. No Grummans listed for sale on it tonight, but someone may know of one.
I can’t help you on the canoe, but…
for what it is worth: you have the nicest statement under your “comments” in your profile that I have read yet.
I didn’t mean to be snooping, but I was curious to see if you raced and might be thinking of the aluminum nationals.
Cheers, and
Merry Christmas,
Grumman Testimonials circa 1950’s
If anyone is interested I have an album entitled “Those Who Know, agree…” that contains customer testimonials from the early 1950’s. I found it interesting as it was the handwriting on the wall for canvas-covered canoes.
You can find the album mentioned here…
Lots of fun with my 13 footer
I outfitted my flat bottom with a low mounted center seat, thigh straps, a pedestal, knee pads and floatation for a ton of fun on the swollen Upper Delaware. Brought the beam in to 31" and use a DBCP. It's so cool because no matter what I hit or run over, the boat will not capsize. Last year we had two hundred year floods in the same year that made for some awesome suicide(not really)runs. NPS thinks I'm a little strange, but hey.
Best hull material.
Had a report, last winter, of two Iowa paddlers headed downstream, with a pot of chile on a camp stove located amidships in what else–an aluminum canoe. I’m not prepared to try that with my Royalex.
find IT on eBay
Saw a 15 ft on sale right now.
no one should be punished like that. my god, man. at least get a royalex canoe.
It’s a 15 footer, looks nice. Located
somewhere in New York. I price could go anywhere.
I love that stuff
Thanks again Jack. I bookmarked that site way back when you first announced it. I still haven’t read the whole thing, but that pamphlet “Those Who Know…” was pretty cool. You don’t find that style of advertising anymore - it’s kind of historic - very typical for that time period and particularly interesting because it’s quite a bit before my time. Anyway, I thought I’d let you know that I really enjoyed reading that thing.
Thanks Jack.
Not a racer. I wasn’t aware that there was an aluminum race. That would have to be a pretty loud race. lol
Merry Christmas to you as well.