Again, one, you say you have to keep the area mostly dry then you say you dump water on yourself and let it run down. Those two statements do not compute. Two, you would dump sewage contaminated water, which is one of the conditions I was referring to, over your head and let it run down your body and clothing? Not me. That is what I want a cool vest.
“Kiddo” is a universal term and not age specific. It covers all age spectrums. It is a light hearted reference for us not to take ourselves so seriously. Nothing condescending intended. I regret and am surprised if you took it that way.
It is not confusing at all. I said I let SOME water run down, just enough to keep me cool. There are areas that I can get wet without impacting things, I am guessing you have not spent any time finding out what an ileostomy is.
And yes, I am quite heat intolerant at the best of times. In a choice between extreme discomfort and skanky water I take a shower when I get home. This has gone on partially because you disputed the concept of getting some imperfect water on yourself. It could have stopped a good bit earlier if you accepted that it is an option used by some.
You are also unaware of language. Kiddo is a diminutive term and I would lay odds that it would not have been used were my name of the male persuasion. It is often used by guys for women, but I have yet to see a guy apply it to a male over the age of 12.
When reading even “verified” reviews, you have to read between the lines. Sure…perhaps most of the reviewers state that they’re happy with the vest. Typically, these reviews are posted soon after purchase, and most people have that after-purchase glow. They just bought the item, they wore it once, and they want to share their elation.
Here’s the important question – has any reviewer actually used the product for its intended purpose – have they inflated it, either manually or automatically, in an emergency situation? Have they owned it long enough to do so? Have they owned it long enough to have to service the vest (replace the cartridge)?
In my experience, most reviews, verified or otherwise, never provide this type of useful information. Which makes them useless.
Once again I am going to have to refute everything you have said and you have no retort as you shift your story as you are caught.
You stated you take a hat full of water and dump it over your head. That water runs down your body and into your clothing. Wet is Wet. You have areas in your lower extremities that when they are wet it complicates things. This is a contradiction, one of many. That is irrefutable. Then if you say that area is totally waterproofed by some dry proof then the water has no cooling effect. That is why a cool PFD is necessary. I am familiar with Ileostomy and know people who have had them. Including LSU Coach Ed Orgeron’s Wife who had a temporary one when a surgeon nicked her colon.
Imperfect Water. You call water with the Fecal Coliform levels I have seen “Imperfect Water.” Water with those levels of Fecal Coliform are not going to be poured over my head under any circumstances. That is not an option. Period. That is why a cool PFD is necessary.
the term Kiddo can be taken the way the way you describe I grant you that. Especially when looking for the most negative connotation possible for the sake of argument to elevate ones sense of self importance. But the various connotations are irrelevant. It is how it is used in a particular incidence is all that matters, not in a general sense. In this case, this particular incidence. In this case it was not an age specific or gender specific connotation despite your efforts to make it one. I know because I made the comment. It CAN also be connoted as a friendly off putting between two adults,CAN, and that is how it was meant. Being on a Kayak Forum where advocates share a common passion that should have been a safe bet unless someone is looking for adversity.
As a still-novice I can’t imagine having to worry about my PFD in addition to everything else I’d have to worry about in the event of a capsize. It will be more than enough for me, I’m sure, just to keep track of my paddle and get back in the boat without losing my head. Why add to the list? My PFD is comfortable and luckily once it’s on I don’t even have to think about it.
If you are now looking for a non inflatable life jacket, and wondering which ones you would like, then I suggest first sorting out what you want in features, beyond them being cool and as “unbulky” as possible. Plus you may find that some fit differently than others, so trying them on in a store is often very helpful.
I have found the cVest from NRS works well for my needs. I am in the mid-Atlantic, so we do have a lot of hot humid weather. Interestingly, when I find myself hot and uncomfortable, it never really feels like it is the vest as much as my hat (wear the sweat is accumulating) more than any other area. Getting wet is quite helpful.
I barely notice I am wearing the cVest, and I like the pockets and other features, so you may want to give that a look:
But there are a number of good vests that will fill the needs of being relatively cool and non-obtrusive, so some time exploring may be helpful, as there may be others beyond Astral that meet your needs.
Bingo. Yes they are light, airy and unrestrictive, but they are not a Life Vest. So is a t-Shirt. This is what you all have taught me. I can not tell you how set I was on getting an inflatable because of it being unrestrictive. I have to find a Type III that does not have any bulky feel at all. Astral V8?
The people on this forum have pointed out to me the major, major drawbacks and disadvantages of not only this inflatable PDF but all inflatable PDFs after I was dead set on getting this particular one because of the price and being so unrestrictive and keeping cool. What do you think of the Astral V8 if I mainly want no bulky feeling and keeping cool. Or other Type III PDFs.
I really do not want to buy until I try it on. If I buy the Astral online even off Amazon, they are a third party seller there, and I do not like the fit or whatever, i will be looking at $20 - $30 shipping costs to return it because of its size. I can not tell you how much I hate that. Happened with a pump, $60 shipping costs. There are not many outdoor stores and no kayaking stores in my area but I will look around to see if I can find some to try on.
Take the help you are being offered gracefully. Don’t come here looking for a fight! Celia has been trying to help you. Then you start acting like a TROLL.
I am sorry you feel that way, but with all due respect I feel that you are wrong. She said that if I am afraid to get wet then I should not be in ia kayak. I took offense to that. I was saying there are circumstances that I do not want to use water with extremely high fecal Coliform content to pour over my head in order to cool off. That is why I wanted a vest that would help me keep cool. I feel she made an offensive comment. I may be wrong.
She wears a DRY suit when she paddles. Her body stays dry even swimming. Hey Kiddo why use a term you know can be taken the wrong way. Just to let you know I mean this the way you meant it. It’s good to know you are being safe and not getting any water on you when paddling polluted waters.
It came across to me as dismissive when you used Kiddo responding to Celia. It’s not a term I would use .That I used it when responding to you in this post was just meant as an example about how it could be taken wrong. I don’t know you well enough to use a term like that, so you have my apology if you found it offensive as it was meant to feel dismissive.
I did not realize this was a win lose type of discussion. I thought it was people providing their perspective on inflatable PFDs for paddling after you ask for advice.
I think inflatables have their use. They do have much less bulk. They don’t add to your bodies heat retention. They are used by sailors because a sail boat is a working platform, and also popular with motor boaters, although most don’t even bother to wear a PFD. You should plan on changing the cartridge every year to be safe. As for doing what they are supposed to do which is keep you afloat They do so. This year, while sailing on Lake Murray, I pulled a Deputy Sheriff out of lake who had been thrown out of his boat. I only spotted him because his inflatable PFD was bright yellow…
The best advice I can give you is don’t buy one.
Capsizes almost always happen in a hurry. They are unexpected. Being under a canoe or upside down in a kayak in cold water, is no time to be hunting for the device to inflate your PFD.
Before this turns into a you know what show, I will take each one of your points one at a time instead of making negative generalized statements and hopefully, and i truly mean that, put this to rest. Because we all share a common interest.
Ms. Celia, which is how i will refer to her from now on as “she” is not appropriate, wears a dry suite because of her complications and talked of dumping a hat full of water over her head to cool off. I did not know about the dry suit and could not see how her complicated area would not get wet. If you pour a hat full of water over a dry suit on a hot day, that has a cooling effect? That to me does not make sense. My position was simply I am not going to pour water highly contaminated with Fecal Coliform over my body. It is not going to happen. That is why I want a PDF that will not add to the heat.
Yes, as I said to Ms. Celia, “Kiddo” can be used or taken in a demeaning way as being dismissive. But it can also be used as a friendly or endearing gesture. Why take the most derogatory, condescending meaning possible as an automatic response? There is far to much of that. All I know is what was in my heart. And all you know is what is in your heart. Like I tried to tell Ms. Celia, if this was between two people who had nothng in common you would be right. But this is on a Kajak Forum where people share a passion. I felt it was safe. I may be wrong.but no harm in any way was intended, by me at least.
Your third paragraph: Rightly or wrongly, I took offense to something Ms. Celia said and pursued it. I do not take offenses well. Too many people let them slide in my opinion.
As for your fourth paragraph and partly the third this forum without a doubt made mev realize the serious, serious detractions of inflatables that I was dead set on getting because of their lightness, being unrestrictive and cool. So the exchange was indeed useful. I have never had to change my mind so dramatically.But even half way through I was clinging to the inflatables,honestly.
So with all that being said, I may have carried the thing with Ms. Celia farther then it should. I am your guest and for that I apologize but I was having fun and meant no harm or insult.
Now back to the topic, How do you like the Astral V8?