Yeah, I saw them. I am looking into them. I have to see which ones I can try on locally. Going in cold online,I would take a shot on the Astral.
This thread got a little off track, so just in case someone finds this thread in a search looking for guidance on inflatable PFDs, I added one paragraph to my original reply (first reply in this thread). It gives some background on my own risk assessment when I use my inflatable PFD.
You said a mouthful. Partly my fault.
Never heard of Astral or a PFD named v-8. There are new ones all the time. Look at the pounds of floatation they provide, their comfort and features like pockets and tabs to attach a knife.
Imagine if you have a bad wreck and lose your boat. You only have what is on your person. Better hope for truck keys, fire starter, a knife at least.
All of that is why everyone got me off of inflatables and onto standard Type III PFDs. Like to find one that is not bulky and cool that I would feel comfortable in and not distract me from the trip.
I put one up. Thanks.
The V8 is not new. I have had mine for at least 3 years and worn it on many sweltering days.
If you order one on line and don’t get it dirty or damage it, you should be able to return it.
My original PFD was an NRS. It is my loaner now. It is still functional but is more bulky and hotter than than the V8.
That is some very useful information. I thought the Astrtal V8 had been out a while, I was just going by what the man said. You say there is a noticeable difference in bulkiness and coolness between the Astral V8 and the NRS. That is what I want to know. Those are my two main factors. Even if I buy the Astral with Amazon Prime, Astral is a third party seller on Amazon, so I would be subject to their return policy. If I have to pay shipping cost on the return that could be $20 - $30 because of the size. I have to find out what their return policy is. Got burned once like that.
You really like the Astral, especially on hot days?
I bought my Astral V8 10 years ago so it is hardly new.
Several people who own the V8 have praised it – you can also find reviews on this site of it. Are 16 endorsements enough for you??
By the way, you ain’t getting anything cheap this year during a shortage. It’s a seller’s market,
I don’t paddle in “sewage contaminated” water. Kayaking is, after all, a “water sport”, and I’m not really interested in paddling in skanky water. Kind of takes the fun out of it. As for “bulkiness”, you get used to it in the same way that you get used to wearing a seat belt - or a day pack on a hike, for that matter. Once that happens, the feeling becomes comforting rather than irritating. Just my two cents. YMMV.