Info about canoe

I was recently given this canoe and I know very little about it. Can anyone give me information about this type of canoe?
Swift Algonquin
about 16’
Rough white on the inside
white outside with wood trim


Can’t help with your quest for information, but she is certainly pretty.

Looks like a Swift Algonquin 17 which has been discontinued by Swift Canoe. Swift still makes and sells the Algonquin 16.

Do a google search for “Swift Algonquin 17 canoe” and you will find a lot of information and reviews.

Algonquin 16 is a general purpose canoe. Swift still sells it so you can go to and read about it. The reviews section of this site probably has some reviews. Based on the specs and name it’s more of a lake boat than river boat but it should be fine on most rivers too. Yours has all cherry trim (nice!). The exterior color is champagne. It may have a sticker telling what it’s made of; otherwise weigh it to help figure it out. It looks like the interior has a gelcoat (nice feature) but you can’t tell if it’s fiberglass or kevlar because of the gelcoat. The serial number is just beliw the gunwale on the stern and the last 2 diguts tell you the year it was made.

It’s a nice canoe for sure.


Really nice gift!

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And the paddles are beautiful.

That’s what I was thinking…I have a nashwwak(?) cherry that looks just like those