Insane Recent Discovery In Alaska

Man made global warming struck back then?

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No “insanity” involved. Beringia (the swath of land from what is now Alaskas to Siberia) connected Asia and North America during the last Ice Age for tens of thousands of years and large Pleistocene mammals ranged across it during that whole period when the sea levels were as much as 200 to 400 feet lower than today,

And there has been increasing evidence that human hunting bands occupied Beringia and Alaska as far back as 30,000 years and these were experienced mammoth hunters who had come from the steppes and boreal plains of Siberia. One of the ways that they hunted large mammals was to drive them into bogs, where the animals would be trapped and could be more safely killed. They also protected their large kills by submerging the partially butchered carcasses in shallow lakes to keep competing predators away from them and to preserve the meat.

It is thought that the success and proliferation of human hunters during the late Pleistocene was one of the impacts, along with climate shifts as the continental glaciers melted, that eventually lead to the extinction of the mammoths, mastodons, sabertooth cats, giant sloths, short-faced bears and giant bison and elk in Alaska. Only the reindeer and musk oxen have survived to this day since the sea level rises at the end of the Ice Age around 10,000 years ago cut off Alaska and Siberia as the Bering Sea rose and flooded the central plain of Beringia.

Rogan and Hancock are both amateur hacks, who try to gin up well-studied archaeological, geological and paleontological discoveries as some sort of “magical, mysteries” to lure people into listening to or watching their junk “science” (I recently stumbled upon one of Hancock’s “documentaries” on a megalith site in South Asia – what a joke). Hancock is notorious for filming his supposed “discoveries” of sites that he claims have been ignored by researchers (but which are actually well-documented by qualified investigators) and proposing his own half-backed theories about them.

Anyone interested in the real discoveries and research on archaeological findings can check out the daily blog of “Archaeology” magazine which has a search feature.

There was a notable white paper published by a research team in 2017 which has determined that many ancient megafaunal remains in Alaska show signs of having been killed by natural explosive events, either from volcanic eruptions or, more likely, from meteorite impacts, like the famous Tunguska impact event in Russia and even the massive impact that caused the K-T boundary mass extinction. The investigators found the tell-tale round glassy mineral spherules caused by the explosive heat of meteor impact within the fossils excavated in various locations in Alaska.

(My university major was North American Archaeology and I had a particular interest in the polar regions, so I’ve stayed up to date with the progress of studies in that biozone. Global temperature rise has been causing massive melting of the permafrost across the Arctic, so more and more artifacts are emerging and being studied).


Agree he’s a hack, but it’s indisputed that Pennsylvania had a tropical climate at one time.

Thanks to Willowleaf.
I have worked with archaeologists for years.
Rogan is a fake.

But he’s good at selling supplements.

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Thanks for the heads up, I’ll have to watch that one

You might find this interesting:

Rogan is a fake, but the tropical conditions in Pennsylvania followed by ice age is not.



He peddles :poop:

Yes, tropical climate here in PA. And it was at the bottom of an ocean before that. I have locally collected fossils from both eras. Most of the planet was tropical at various points in the past 4 billion years – so what?.

And the entire planet was locked in ice for an extended period. But during the age of the dinosaurs (Cretaceous and Jurassic), the landmass that is now Alaska was even farther north respective to the Earth’s rotational axis so it had even longer winters of no sunlight and there were polar conditions. Evidence is showing that the dinosaurs did populate that region and that they were cold-adapted including being warm-blooded and having feather-like fur. In fact, PBS just rebroadcast the “Nova” episode on the newest evidence about Alaskan dinosaurs this week. I know a paleontologist here at Carnegie Museum who has participated in some of those field expeditions.

Anyone trying to imply that the current climate change is due to “natural” cycles and not human-caused, and is something not to worry about is incorrect and under-informed. The causes of climate shifts in the geologist past were mostly gradual and triggered by things like the massive eruptions of volcanic systems (like the Siberian and the Deccan Traps, if anybody wants to do some checking on those) , variances in solar energy from the sun, incremental increases of methane or CO2 in the atmosphere, etc.

These shifts occurred over thousands to millions of years so whatever life was on the planet during those periods had time to adapt to the changes. Some could not and became extinct – fortunately for us, some survived.

The situation now is that the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is directly attributable to human activity AND the increase has been much faster (in less than 200 years) that those that occurred naturally in the past. Extensive studies have determined the Earth’s atmosphere throughout the history or life on the planet. Deep sea bed and ice core investigations have been able to establish this and we have a time line on the shifts both in CO2 levels and global temperatures.

In a way, what is happening now is almost more similar to the Chicxulub asteroid impact that caused the K-T mass extinctions in that it is causing systemic changes too abruptly for life to adapt to them.

And the current situation is different in that we CAN and SHOULD do something to ramp it back before it’s too late to have any effect on stopping the domino effects (our carbon emissions are warming the climate which is melting the permafrost and increasing natural carbon emissions).

If we suddenly had an episode of mass volcanic eruptions like the Deccan or Siberian, there would be nothing we could do to stop it other than to try to work on ways to cope with the gradual negative impacts. Same thing if there were external forces like a major asteroid event or shifts in solar energy.

But we DO potentially have the technology and the knowledge to mitigate the careless damage that we OURSELVES have inflicted to date and ramp it back. We are doing some of it but not enough and willful denial and political stubbornness are holding this back. We’ve known what we needed to do for 50 years and dragged our feet so that the situation is now worse and will require greater effort and sacrifice. Many scientists fear we have reached a critical tripping point where, unless there is more cohesion and concerted efforts to reduce our direct impact on the climate, we will be unable to prevent significant degradation of our ability to comfortably survive, let alone thrive.

(OK, time to get off my soap box. I suppose I am in a grumpy mood because it looks like we are in for another snowless winter in SW PA again and I miss XC skiing.)


As is Graham Hancock – and he’s even worse, in my view, because he manages to get his half-baked “expeditions” filmed and available to the gullible public on streaming channels.

I understand people’s fascination with archaeology and palaeontology – heck, I was a little science geek from 1st grade on and used to hang out at natural history museums and pester the curators so much they would let me watch them work behind the scenes. Had various life events not caused me to defer entry to grad school, my plan had been to be a professional archaeologist. I try to steer people who are interested in archaeology to subscribe to “Archaeology” magazine, which not only offers an ongoing survey of what is happening in discoveries around the world, but is entertaining and well written. There are so many wonderful REAL discoveries in recent decades, due to the tech advances in artifact dating, LIDAR, magnetic resonance mapping, satellite photo analysis, etc., that it saddens me that so many people waste time on tinfoil hat cryptoscience like “ancient aliens” and “unexplained mysteries”. Believe me, if there is anything discovered that is currently “unexplained”, I guarantee somebody has snagged it to work on for their PhD thesis and it won’t be “unexplained” for long.

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You could say he’s a dodgy peddler…

Then there’s nothing to discuss!!!

The only thingbto do is shit down industry, abolish cars, go back to sod huts. We need to.start getting rid of people older than 35. Save the planet. Get a 500 million people to volunteer to end it. I’ll volunteer to save mother earth. Anybody with me???


Shut down industry.

That sounds like an "all or nothing " sort of approach. There is an amazing amount knowledge and methods on how to drastically decrease our impact w/o going to that extreme.

I don’t live in a grass shack but I have been “off-grid” for 43 years, live in less than 100sf dwelling, drive less in a year than most do in a month, ride/walk most distances under 10 miles unless I really have to transport something of size, produce minimal trash and even then it’s mostly packaging I have trouble avoiding, and none of that has lowered my quality of life (at least in my opinion).

There is definitely a lot of grey in between black and white.


I do my part

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Oh, I get it! This is satire. :rofl::+1:

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Too much scam and money being made in the green game at our expense. Forcing electric cars on everyone and landfilling perfectly good cars that will sit and vent off hydrocarbons. Then be dependent on electricity for everything. When power lines are down, nothing will move. So everybody will buy generators. The electric grid will NEVER support all the electricity requirement. Following people who think blocking the sun is our best hope. Lunacy.


If they find a way to block the sun, then solar energy production will be far less efficient and plants and coral reef algae will suffer, and on up the food chain. Madness indeed.

Oh yes, I know what you mean! Those men in black who made me buy an electric car! And there’s, like, NO gas cars available anywhere! :rofl: