Is It Spring Yet?

@Rookie said:
Spring failed to install


Well still a tad bit chilly for spring up here. But… but… we got “winter like” swells out there all week and warming air temps (45 plus) for Wednesday through the weekend. Winter, spring… Spring, winter… Whatever. Surf’s up. Go ride some!!!


Doing the “happy dance” before wave riding with the rest of the NE surfing contingent. :slight_smile:

9feet @ 14 seconds! And all the cams are down. I’m might take a ride to check it out, but Thursday is probably the more manageable day for me.
Have fun and be safe!

@Johnnysmoke said:
9feet @ 14 seconds! And all the cams are down. I’m might take a ride to check it out, but Thursday is probably the more manageable day for me.
Have fun and be safe!

More than I am want to take on today. The swells look clean tho’! :slight_smile: I took the morning off tomorrow and will be headed to the homebreak. I suspect it will still be shoulder to head tomorrow at dawn. (The swells coming in from an offshore storm and further amplified/channeled by a strong high system over the Nova Scotia/Newfoundland).


I had just enough time for a quick ride down to Nantasket for a drive by. Looks like victory at sea conditions, and no surfers are even around down there.
Have the car packed up to get down tomorrow after I drop the kid off.

The swells on the first pic looks clean and a pretty decent offshore wind (blowing the tops off into spray). Second pic with large swarths of foam seems to be by the rip(s) at the little bathhouse at the north end of the beach.


Yeah the first pic is from the south end near the abandoned restaurant. There’s kind of a bowl down there can help give a little more shape to the waves, and you can get a bit of a break from the wind with the bigger buildings there. The second photo was the surfers spot near the bathhouse, pretty much closeouts from what I could see.
Big waves were coming in right behind each other, almost stacked on each other, then a big lull between sets.

71 right now and sunshine on the way for the weekend.

@string said:
71 right now and sunshine on the way for the weekend.

We got 50’s today and 60’s tomorrow. More important, we got waves. :smiley:

“Welcome home…”

So, got to the homebreak at dawn. Long period, head plus swells just rolling in with rising sun. Hmmm…

These swells got more zip and height than what I have gotten so far this season. I could feel my adrenaline pumping as I watched the sets crashing in on the rocky shoreline. Finally, seeing a lull, I ran out into the break with the ski, popped on top and started paddling as fast as I could without even strapping in. Figured I could beat the next set if I didn’t waste time trying to buckle in. Just as I thought I was out, I got hit with a breake which blew me right off the waveski. I hung on to the leash paddle and thus the ski. zBut, boy, I got thrashed in the rocky dump, hanging onto the ski and trying to stop the waves from jackknifing my ski into the rocks. When finally managed to get my ski and self back onto shore, I noticed one of the locals looking at me with a big grin… “Hey, welcome home!”

Anyway, I got in on four rides. Dropping down the face of the peak, felt like going down the first drop on a roller coaster, except the facewall of the wave get chasing my tail looking to crush me on the ski. Several times, I couldn’t get off the massive foam pile pushing to shore. Had to bail to save the ski from crashing into the rocks. Off course, bailing and hanging onto the ski and paddle on inside meant taking a thrashing before finding a lull to quickly drag oneself back on the shore against a strong undertow.

Yup, four good rides and four good thrashing (without damage to the ski) made for a perfect morning. :slight_smile:

Mahalo (for good rides without damage or injury)!!!


The first boat rack eating Carpenter Bees arrived today. Soon the soldier fly larva will start reducing the winter’s vegetable waste to compost.

March 29… The AC is on! Pool is open and the water is clear… but way too cold.

@Rex said:
March 29… The AC is on! Pool is open and the water is clear… but way too cold.

Man… Hope we stay in the 50s and 60s for the next several weeks or more. That to me is the ideal range for spring temps. Plus, I am still paying for heating. Don’t want to jump straight into (the cost of) cooling… :frowning:


Lol good times! Similar results here, but I only held out for one shoddy ride then headed in.
It was big and fast at Nantasket this morning, and the big ones seemed to come barreling in stacked on top of each other, and lots of shore break action as well. Didn’t help that I pulled up almost at high tide, so decided to wait a bit hoping things would start breaking further out with the outgoing tide, and avoid the knarly shore bombs blasting off in shallow water. Went and got the obligatory Dunkins then headed back, got changed and ready, and I thought things seemed to be settling out a bit. Until I sat down in the boat and was level with the waves, and white shore break filled my horizon. Took a long wait hoping for a good lull, saw what looked like a good window, but I’m slow (and a little scared) coming out of the gate and my timing is off from not getting out enough. Finally get off the beach into deeper water, and now I’m wobbling in the boat like a drunk on the tail end of a bender while dealing with foam piles slapping me in the face. It looked like no end to them, and my self preservation instinct kicked in, so I turned tail and headed back to the beach. Had a good sit and studied the water, long enough to realize none of the older seasoned surfers seemed to be around, they had all left a bit before high tide, and it was all younger folks dancing with the shorebreak. Waited some more until things actually moved a little further out off the steeper part of the beach. The four’easters quad bombogenesis bangup has jacked the beach to a new angle, lowering and steepening it, while sucking the sand across the roads around town, and leaving fist sized cobble on the beach in place of the sand.
I get back in the boat and manage to get out back, and am surprised how manageable the waves look from this side, until I hear one break closer to shore and remember they have a lot of spin on them today.
My timing and judgement is a bit off, I’m not doing a great job of being in the right spot/right time to grab a ride, which I find usually gets me in trouble kayak surfing. Miss a few more and get lured closer to shore, then find myself in the dreaded break zone with something jacking up in front of me. Manage to spin around and get pointed towards shore and get slapped into shore but managed to stay upright.
Hard to go from zero to full throttle when you haven’t been getting out much.

Still some nice stomach to chest swells out there… I am tired out tho… given yesterday’s dawn patrol, riding to work and evening mma class. Hoping for some “spring swells” for tail end of next week.


On a calmer note:

@rsevenic said:
On a calmer note:

Nice inland waters. Ice out - a reminder to get the fishing equipment in order. Trout fishing the lakes should be picking up in the next couple of weeks. :slight_smile:

More things to do than time available in the height of spring…


Spring? Tomorrow’s forecast from the local NWS:

“Not to be lost in all the talk about Saturday’s significant snowfall near and north of the Straits is the fact that EVERYONE will experience very windy conditions! Winds ramp up through the morning, becoming strongest during the afternoon-evening before slowly diminishing overnight. Gusts of 35-45 mph will be common, perhaps gusting up to 50 mph at times near the lakes. Secure outdoor objects and be prepared for difficult driving and possible power outages!”

Should get some interesting formations from the ice blowing around on the Great Lakes.


I feel for you. Even down here it has been a long, wet, clammy winter.

Come to southern NewEngland Rookie - around here it iced out in mid-January (about 2 months earlier than usual) and has been relatively warm ever since. If this is global warming then I like it.