is there a honda accord of kayaks?

ty for all the advie everyone
you all rock

Like it was said, you get what you pay for.

Is HMO medical care a Honda?

Is Blue Moon gas stop, quality gas?

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You get what you pay for.

another NDK Explorer Vote
Very popular design that does most things very well and has been around a long time. Middle of the road price just like a Honda Accord.

You can’t buy a Honda or an NDK for $750 no matter how used they are. The NDK will outlast the Honda by many many years.

That’s what a dealer told a friend of mine when he bought an Explorer.

An NDK has unexplained acceleration?
That’s the best thing about Camrys.

Tchnically, the Honda Civic is the one
on top of all the ratings charts. Recent 10 Cars Mechanics Hate had Civic first, Camry 2nd, and included the Honda Element and CRV in the top 10.They both are built on Civic platform and have the same drive train components. Also cheaper than an Accord…

As many ppl have mentioned, there are a lot of good all around beginner recreational kayaks that are from well known consumer brands and made of durable plastic, but as you get better at kayaking, they will feel slow and boring. What you want is the Honda Prelude of kayaks! - decently priced, relatively good stability for beginners, bullet proof reliability, but exciting to paddle once your skills improve. Id say WS Tempest, Necky Chathams, and perhaps the Valley Aquanaut could be had in used plastic if you scan craigslist constantly…

P&H capella
Look for a P&H Capella RM (the plastic version). These are very sea-worthy kayaks, reasonably stable and fast with plenty of storage. I see plenty of them for sale used in my area (NC) for prices ranging from $600-1,000.

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reliability/problem tables for Accord and Civic. And based on our 3 Accords, '90, 2000, and 2008, the Accord just has more engine reserve for long life than the Civics. Probably reflects how much less distance the Accord pistons and other moving engine parts have to travel over 200k and more.

I’ll have to add that the improvements in our 2008 Accord, versus our 2000, are almost astounding. Just name a big area like handling understeer, or a small one like how quietly can the doors be closed when sneaking in late from canoeing. Everything improved, and no deficiency worth comment. I drove a 2010 Civic while our '08 was being major serviced, and the Civic was sure better than my daughter’s Civic, but still a small car designed by smaller minds.

Kayak vs. recreational boat
The problem with a recreational boat is that there are no thigh braces which means you can never learn any real kayaking skill. You can’t lean or edge the boat and if a large boat wake comes at you, all you can do is balance it and maybe brace. Once you graduate to a kayak with thigh braces, your whole world of paddlng will open up and it becomes way more enjoyable. It’s like bicycling with a two wheel bike vs. a three wheel one. If you’re going to upgrade, get a kayak with bulkheads and thigh braces. Then you will have something you can grow with. You can even learn to roll it which is just about impossible with a rec boat.

How about a plastic Valley Avocet? They come up periodically on the used market for 800-900 bucks. Fairly fast, quick turning and good build quality. At 6’3", Avocet is too short in the leg area for me, but a number of my friends with good kayaking skills paddle them. At work, we find that many beginners have a great time in an Avocet.

A good plastic Romany would fit nicely in this list. Is the idea really dead?



I was waiting for someone to say that
…if only Honda assembled NDK kayaks…

Older Perception Acadia
I purchased a Coast Guard recovered kayak (Perception Acadia) for MUCH less than $750. I’m not sure if its the “Honda Accord of kayaks” but it has been called the “Swiss Army knife of kayaks”. Its very diverse and I love mine!

lots of good ideas
i cant respond to much as my monitor on my pc is broken useing tv for this and man it sure inst clear

I remember that boat. It was a pretty
good compromise and a good find for you.

im lucky
in the way i dont care about looks of the kayak at all long as i can be seen by motorboats.and long as its in good used is my best bet maybe they will drop this winter

maybe the fiat of kayaks
At least NDK kayaks don’t have Lucas electronics.

Prijon, Calabria.

Wilderness Systems Tempest
Being a fan of skegs more than rudders, I’d opt for the Wilderness Systems Tempest ( ) over the Tsunami, although the Tsunami is certainly an excellent kayak too.

what acceleration ?
ooh right …