Is this a guy thing?

I’ve buried my head in a rack or two,
but its not my smell I’m looking forward to.

Guys are more inclined
to “Ohhhhh” and “Ahhhhh” over a mechanical contraption IMHO. Women seem to look at such items as necessary for getting boat to water, but if the rack works they are merely accepting.

Me? I love to scrutinize other setups, and am not above plagirizing good ideas (Thanks Clarion for the genesis of the design for my Yakima Extenders).

Last year at Wrightsville I watched WesD …fondle a nice pickup bed rack on one of the vehicles. He was obviously mezmorized. And darned if he doesn’t show up at the Yough with a pickup and a Thule bed rack.

Of course, I allowed him to give me a tour of it’s features.



Love my Perky Malones
They just stick straight up, so proud you just can’t help but notice. They do have somewhat of a plastic feel to them however…

thought of that as i was postin it
Do you see the rack as “a set” or “a rack” or do you the individual components? Hmmm…

Are you sure it’s not silicone rubber
rather than plastic? Better feel again.


My friend
Holly Roller has a nice rack. She lives in Yakima.
