It's not winter but reading this forum

And a Boykin is a South Carolina dog.

The rain is letting up maybe
daily downpours ensure the invasion of unwanted ferns. Trying to get a tomato or two is a battle with the weeds. Cold wet weather for months means more work, and there have even been hints of frost

I paddled twice this week, my new normal since moving back to CO. I prefer the previous 4x/wk better, but the paddling venues are not nearby.

At least I can practice target shooting (air rifle) as much as I want, right at home. It’s oddly relaxing.

I’ve been enjoying evening paddles. Last night on my neighbor’s farm.


No dog?

I’ve gotten out some but not as much as I should. Buffalo R., Wisconsin R. and Kickapoo, all overnighters BUT
Then an insect infestation intervened. Had to basically empty a house, store all books, clothing, bedding - just about everything. Then there are three visits from the exterminator, two weeks apart, after which everything can be returned.
The boats and trailer now look like this:

It’ll be a damned hassle to get out for a while…

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I’m sorry.

We had hiking guests arrive today from Pennsylvania to hike the 100 mile Mont Blanc route.

The good news is after it’s over I am making a bee :honeybee: line to the Swiss border and pick up the new kayak.

I wish I knew some kayak people instead all of these silly hikers :laughing: because I could be spending the next ten days paddling around Lake Annecy.

I’ll take what I can get.

My sister arrives to Geneva Monday and I might talk her into renting boats :canoe: at Lake Annecy:


I hiked for years with several groups. A fine bunch of people.

I’m dog-sitting for Topaz but can’t take her paddling because I’m pretty sure a bird of prey would snatch her right out of the canoe and that might upset her owner.

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I’ve read about that happening. If a bald eagle can kill a fox and fly off with it a little dog doesn’t stand a chance.

That face!! She looks like she read what you wrote.


Big Tom will protect her.


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Teach her to fight back.

The hikers are all discussing the Montana otter attack :joy:

I’ve actually laid off frequenting here during the summer months, in favor of more of “the real thing.” But I felt compelled to respond to this post because you(String) originated it. ( So as one “old timer” to another…) I made a vow this green season to get out on the water(any water, fresh/salt) at least once a week between now and November. So far stickin’ to it. Both paddling and “paddle-sailing.”

And 13 year old border collie now gets in on my ISUP fun, after years in strictly canoe/kayak journeys…

Headed to the ocean next week. Don’t know if dog will be game to ride board in surf. Should be interesting. (But just getting her to not drink salt water may be enough for one day.:dog2::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


I’m ready to paddle some in SC. Live in Spartanburg. Have flat and whitewater canoes and an old sit on top. no sea kayaks. Just did Enoree with castoff and had a good time. want something different. will do day trips or multi day. Mountains to the coast. retired.

Castoff, aka Flotsam, gets out more than I do but we both paddle from the Upstate to the coast.
A friend and I do a lot of paddling on Lake Hartwell and sometimes Jocassee. We are both mid 70s and usually paddle 5 miles and take our time. We like to enjoy our surroundings. I’ll send my contact info.

Photos from HARTWELL.

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I had a fun paddle on Saturday at Emerson Point Preserve in Palmetto. I ran into a couple of paddling friends and then went for lunch at my favorite local seafood shack. Super hot (heat indices have been 105-110 degrees lately) but still a nice day.

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The heat here in North Carolina is one of the reasons I sold my SINKs and paddle canoes exclusively. I would sweat so much that when I was done paddling i needed a sponge for the inside of the boat, GROSS, not to mention dehydrating.

I don’t wear a full spray skirt in the summer any more unless I know I will be paddling in rough water. I use a splash deck which is far less hot and still keeps the sun off my legs and most of the water out.