KajakSport Milennium

thanks. i might owe you a beer someday.

what, no sloppy seconds …
for the rest of us?


Don’t think he said that

– Last Updated: Mar-21-08 6:33 AM EST –

KapnCrunch? He just said that the high rear made layback rolls more challenging. Which is true, unless you've got a pretty unusual spine.
Don't see where anyone said they couldn't roll it.

Cap123 can post it if he desires.

And I never said I was nice.

It must be Friday NM

just like you


theres something suspect about your link

Sloppy Seconds

800 bucks, a total steal. Its definitely used but from pics and conversations seems in good shape. The bow bulkhead was moved by first owner, further toward paddler to make for a larger storage area, and to act as footrest. If you’re around 5’10" 165ish (like I am) it would be perfect. Original owner had those dimensions.

I’m just 1) exercising some self-control, and 2) can’t make the time to drive 14 hours round trip to get to it and test it and decide. Great deal though. Thanks again tsunamichuck.

Turns out, it’s Raymondsmom, a p.netter!

Unfortunately, with that moved bulkhead, there’s no way to know about the fit without actually sitting in it yourself.

Oh no you didn’t!

You are right Celia
But I guess I’m just burned out. The this or that roll, fine nuances among boats thing is just rediculous to me. All these sea kayaks are easy to roll and I believe when people get all weird about such minor things it shows in their paddling. Just my grumpy opinion… It’s been a long drizzly winter.

Spring is near
Those under-clad and risk-taking scullers have been out on the Hudson for a couple of weeks now, just a couple of days behind the last ice flow before the spring melt comes down from the Adirondacks. The robins won’t be far behind, and this coming week I’ll have to wipe off grass rather than snow from the boat for the pool session.


It was moved
once, it can be moved again…

but the altered bulkhead has a nice little hatch so one can store a fishing rod in the front bulkhead. Who would want to mess with that?

Photo with sail
Here’s my Artisan with the sail on it…



Beautiful boat, obviously very well-cared for.