of the South African companies designs? Skua, Pelican, Endeavor? Need some feedback and opinion.
Some information on the Skua
and Pelican was posted on the Ft Lauderdale Yak Fishing Club site. http://www.ftlauderdaleyakfishingclub.org/superyaks2/ultimatesuperyaks2.html
Revenge Is #1 - That is Discouraging
I have a Revenge and looking to upgrade.
Maybe I should just trade my fiberglass Revenege for a Kevlar model and call it good...
Actually it is a pretty Good SOT. Just too heavy, and high volume. It is an expedition type boat, and I am just a day tripper. I would like a tankwell and a little less volume.
That Kingfisher looks like it might be a good fishing boat for the West Coast.
I downloaded that Ft. Lauderdale site-
I’m trying to find some people who have used/fished from them other than the gentleman who posted the info. They appear to be excellent SOT’s. I guess the SKUA would be an all-purpose yak, if it were equipped with a removable outrigger. You could tour at speed, and add the 'rigger if you wanted to fish. The ENDEAVOR in carbon/kevlar would be great for the dedicated
yak angler. I don’t think I could handle the weight of the KINGFISHER.
Kaskazi Kayaks
We have two Kaskazi kayaks, a Duo (double) and Skua (single). They are both sit-in, not SOT, so I cannot really comment on the SOT’s. However, we really enjoy the boats, and the after sales service is outstanding. Spares are available at reasonable prices as well.
Kingfisher Overbuilt For Florida Waters
I think that Kingfisher may be a little overbuilt for Forida Waters. It might find a place here on the West Coast guys who want to fish in heavy seas.
True - but still beats plastic
Up close it seems well made - and looks like a great dive platform. Whoever took Bruce up on the $500 clearance price got a great deal. It was worth the $1200 they were asking.
I haven’t seen any of the Kaskazis up close yet - even though they’re around locally. Don’t seem to run into the yak fishers on my paddles. Maybe some will show up at Key Largo this weekend.
A note from the “reviewer"
You are no doubt referring to my reviews of the Superyaks at the Ft Lauderdale Yakfishing Club site. There were 4 yaks listed, but these were in no particular order.
Each of the four - the Revenge, Skua, Pelican and Kingfisher - are very different and were included for very different reasons (eg price, performance, application).
The Revenge was not rated “#1”, and was included based on price, on Xmas special for $995, barely more than plastic SOT’s. I even opined it was really not what I considered a “Superyak”, simply a great alternative to say a Prowler or Tarpon. I just happened to review the Revenge first.
Actually my favorite yak of the four is the Skua - at 17’4” x 22 inches, fishform, shallow vee-hull, sharp entry, etc., it is awesomely fast (4-6 mph), great primary stability, deep seat, low windage, easy lean turns etc.
Hope that clears things up…
Capn Jimbo