I’m wanting to take a kayak camping trip for around 7 days. I live in Bloomington, IN. At this point, I’m looking for flat water and very mild rapids. Do you have any suggestions for where I could go within 8 hours of here?
so you’re a white water paddler?
If it were sea kayaking, I hear the Apostle Islands and Boundary Waters are nice.
No rapids but…
Kentucky Lake is 4 hrs. away from you…good camping, and good wind wave action.
if you’re looking for a river trip
the Au Sable in Michigan is an awesome one, and offers a combination of flowing meandering river, scenic lakes and lush marshes. The South Branch Au Sable coming out of Roscommon is particularly beautiful and remote, you could start there or in the town of Grayling (just avoid the week of the canoe race). Primitive paddle-in campsites are available all along the way, you just have to be savvy about reserving them as some are state-owned and others are in the Huron National Forest. (There are 6 dam portages though, so it's best to travel with a buddy.) Passing through the town of Mio offers a chance to resupply midweek and stop in at a diner, and there's an outfitter in Oscoda who may be able to shuttle you.
Both of these are more than eight hours for you, but incredible (and very different places). The Apostles is big-water (and cold water) paddling on Superior, and the Boundary Waters will involve a lot of portaging which doesn’t look like a lot of fun to me in a kayak.
The first thing I thought of was Voyageur’s National Park which is also up in this corner of the world yet slightly farther than the others. From friends who have been there, it’s like the Boundary Waters but without portaging. It’s not as “wilderness” and there are powerboats, but still highly regarded.
How about the western Lake Erie Islands (South Bass, Middle Bass, etc)? I was there a month ago and plan to return. Warm water although somewhat crazy conditions since the lake is so shallow.