Kayak Carts

Any tips on attaching a kayak cart so it will actualy stay in place?

I have a Yedo cart, I bought 2 6’ straps ($2 each from Sports Authority) with plastic fastex buckles, tied each strap off on either side of the two cushions “on one side of the kart”. So each support bar with the two cushions on it had one strap tied off on the outside of each cushion. The ends of the 2 straps hang off the opposite sides of the kart. Place kayak on cart and bring the 2 ends of one strap around to the top of the kayak and snap buckle together and pull tight, repeat with other straps.

Make sure kayak is off centerd on the kart so the bow is the heavy end (the end you will be pulling it from), also make sure the kayak is parallel with the wheels of the kart, otherwise it will pull crooked.

Hard ot explain, hope this made sense!

speaking of carts
does any one know of a kayak cart that does not require straps to hold the kayak on?

I am frequently hauling kayaks from a kayak rack up to the drive way along a dirt road that is 1.2 acre long (or whatever length 1.2 acres really is)…so its not short but not long unless you’re carrying a diolene valley boat…i’ve got stern carriers (paddleboy i think) and mid-ship carriers (good for smooth asphalt but not my forest road), so looking for something wide/beefy that doesnt have to use straps…strapping for such a short distance seems like a waiste of time.

If your traveling lets say 100 yards or more, I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you have some kind of a lawn tractor. If it was me, I’d be making a boat trailor of some kind with some sticky foam saddles.

Beyond that, bunge cords are wonderfull.

Thanks for the tips!

Try this
I did it once without the straps (being lazy) on smoonth black top without a problem. The weight of the boat keeps the cart in place.

  1. You need to put the cart near the center of the boat, 2) no sharp turns, and 3) not sure if this works on bumpy surface. This is, however, not recommended by the manufacturer. If you shorten the straps to the right length, it takes less than a minute to put them on.


Kayak Carts

I use two bungees one each of the brackets that hold the boat (Rolleze)…Works perfect…I just need to walk it 1/4 mile to Tampa Bay, break it down throw it in the hatch !!!

My paddleboy original
stays in place even on rough, rocky terrain. They cost WAY too much, but they hold my boat securely, which the cheap models and homemade PVC models I tried never did.

I have a Paddleboy Tomato kart which has wide tires and a bungee with a hook. You hook the bungee to the coming of the cockpit and it works like a charm. FishHawk