Quick question regarding choice of first kayak (been canoeing 35 years, with a little kayaking sprinkled in).
Most of my paddling is done on what I would consider average sized, shallow rivers (James, Maury, Greenbrier, etc).
My concern for the tsunami is that it would fare better in the flats and get beat in the rapids (up to class II), and with the Remix I'd be fine in the riffles and rapids but take forever in the flats.
Any advice between these two choices? I should add: 6'1" 240lb
Why just two choices
Is there a reason that you’ve narrowed the model search down to just these two models?
See you on the water,
The River Connection, Inc.
Hyde Park, NY
Better options
Yeah, I agree with Marshall. I wouldn’t pick either of those boats. My personal preference for your size would be a medium or large Pyranha Fusion (one of the fastest crossovers).
These are local
These are my options available used locally.
Go to Appomattox River Co.
Go to the Farmville VA store. These guys, will set you right. It is a paddle store owned and run by paddlers. The whole crew, is first class. You get the best deals, at the Farmville store. It is the main hub. Their retail stores, tend not to haggle with prices.
Maybe look at a Dagger Alchemy S or L, depending on your size. A very capable kayak in the flats, as well as small rapids. Much better than the Tsunami.
Farmville is a drive…
I’ve been to ARC before a few times - it’s a bit of a haul.
Would neither of these be a decent fir for my use case? The XP10 seems like a good fit for the shallow parts of the Greenbrier/Cowpasture.
Don’t write off the Tsunami Mike,
(I’m really partial to them.) You say that you are an “advanced” paddler coming from the canoe side of the street. The designer of the Tsunami was also of that world. The 145 just does a whole lot of stuff very well, and is really comfortable for big guys.
xp10 will be fine on the greenbrier
maury, or cowpasture, it will plow through the flats but still faster than a regular ww kayak, top speed 3 miles an hour on the flats- if you can live with that it should be fine.
can't speak to your other choice, no firsthand experience with that
Have paddled both but owned neither
Based on my experience and your intended use, I would strongly prefer the Tsunami 145 unless you plan or need to paddle quite technical Class II rapids. The Tsunami will do fine on Class I and less technical Class II rapids.
The Liquid Logic XP10 is certainly more whitewater capable and maneuverable, but the times I have paddled one I have been impressed by what a pig it tends to be in pools and on the flats if there is no friendly current. It really seems to plow the water.
Certainly a Pyranha Fusion or Dagger Katana would be a more efficient cross-over kayak if you found a used one available.
How about neither one
The XP 10 will be dreadfully slow in the flats, the Tsunami 145 has hard chines and a v that will catch on every rock.
I’d get a Dagger Alchemy L or something like that.