Kayak Directions On Google Maps

Try this out. Go to Google Maps and request directions from Thousand Oaks, CA. to Japan. Check out directions 13 and 31. Will probably work from your hometowns too.

Too many toll roads
It’s interesting that even the people at google maps know you wouldn’t do it in a canoe

And why would someone research this ?

– Last Updated: Jan-22-11 3:24 PM EST –

I'm a map geek, and a fan of Google, so I looked.
12,876 km at 35 days 6 hours

I just thought it is funny
that Google uses kayaking as the method of trans-ocean transit. I didn’t research it. Someone in my office pointed it out to me

whats with hawaii
I kayak 2756 miles from Seattle to the north end of Oahu…then they want me to drive down to Honolulu before kayaking the final 3879 miles to Tokyo.

I notice that they don’t know how to get me to Papua New Guinea. Guess you can’t kayak there.