I want to insure my QCC Q400x kayak. I’ve received a quote from State Farm for a $100 deductable, $194 per year, to cover the replacement cost of $2000. Does this seem like a reasonable price to pay for this coverage? Does anyone have suggestions on other insurance companies I should look into?
That’s REALLY high
I have a boat policy through AMICA with four kayaks on it. The total insured value is ~$10K and it costs me ~$100/year.
Boat Ins. - Wisco
I have American Family insurance for home and car and got boat insurance last year for my NDK Explorer and it’s only I think $38 a year. Homeowners ONLY covers your boat if it’s stolen or damaged at home…
Kayak insurance
I just rent my place, consequently I do not have home insurance. I will check into AMICA and American Family. Any other suggestions would be super!
renters insurance
Even if you don’t own your place you really ought to have renter’s insurance. I have a rider on my renter’s policy. It cost around $100 for $3000 replacement value coverage on my boat.
insured for what
When I lived in US (So. Car.) I too had kayak insurance. At that time my AMICA house and car policy would only cover it during locked storage at my home. I did find another company that covered it during locked storage, transport to and from water (this is where most damage occurs) and on the water for my goofs and others.
Just make sure you know what coverage you want and what is being sold and covered.
Homeowner’s vs. boat insurance
I have my homeowner’s insurance through AMICA as well and it’s just as you describe. My kayaks are on a separate boat policy that covers them against damage and loss at any time. I guess I could have even filed a claim for the rock damage I’m currently repairing, but my main concern is loss or catastrophic damage.
My State Farm boat policy’s a lot less
The boat policy they wrote to cover my $3,200 boat is $65 per year. I think the deductable’s $500, and my location in Appalachia must help, as well. But the figures the original poster cited seem way high.
State Farm Homeowners Limit
If you have State Farm Homeowners insurance, check the fine print. The standard policy only covers 1,000 per hull with a 500 deductable.
My homeowners cover my 2 WW
kayaks that were stolen while locked in my front yard for sale. I had a 250 deductable and had replacement csot so I got all but 250. Now if they had been on my car they would have been coevered by my car insurace. And yes if you are renting you SHOULD have renters insurace to cover what you own. I would be you own more than you think you do.
I have Allstate
for boaters and renters insurance. With the boaters, I pay 70 a year for two yaks one worth $2000 and one worth $4000. It covers all my equipment that’s inside. One thing you want to ask is, if you get rescued and your yak gets lost at sea, because it will, will your policy cover it. Mine does. I don’t particularly like Allstate, but there’s no Farmers up here. I’ll be changing back to them when I move this summer.
On a seperate note, you -really- should invest in renters insurance. I HATE living in an apartment, and I don’t trust folks to be responsible, so per my policy, I keep a video of all that I have in the place and keep it somewhere else. When I rented a house a few years back I did the same thing.
Renters insurance payments are just a drop in the bucket compared to trying to replace everything after an electrical fire or some irresponsible asshat who left a candle burning.
My kayak trailer
is only covered under my auto/insurance policy when it is parked in my yard. When it is behind my car, I am on my own without a rider on my State Farm policy. The rider cost my $30/year for $1500 worth of coverage and a $250 deductible and I am now covered when I run it into a light pole!
As for my boats, since they don’t have motors, they are covered the same as all of my other personal property with my standard Homeowner’s deductible.
check out http://www.oneshopinsurance.com they have a couple of insurance companies here you could choose from. just check out on their premiums and what they’ll cover. goodluck.