Kayak name prefix?

Another topic of earth-shattering importance. Wondering if anyone here who names their boats uses a prefix likes USS or HMS? Even sailboats and fishing boats use SV and FV. PV?

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Ship Prefixes.

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No His Royal Majesty, I’m thinking PV Duckflusher.

Once upon a time named my boat Das Boot,
This Is the Day The The sings to you.
Schtinker von Sinker others passing would say,
it’s now suffix sinking pretext canoe.

ships have prefixes
kayaks have suffixes

Nordkapp HM
Nordkapp HS

many RM
many LV
many HV

Nah I usually just call my boats by their manufacturer’s given name. Two exceptions, Ugly Betty - a stolen waveski for someone with paralyzed legs, that was thrown down a canyon, where she rotted for a couple of years. I fixed her up and tried to return to it’s owner. Insurance had bought him a new one and he didn’t want her back. So after letting friends borrow her for about ten years I donated her to a local in Encinitas who is trying to revive the sport of waveskiing by loaning out skis to young folks. Several Pnetters have ridden her over the years, but I don’t think any that still post here. The other boat is a 17 ft Smokercraftcanoe, named Musehjemet or The Mouse House a name suggested by my oldest son when he was five.

My 1962-ish Grumman canoe was originally red over a matte pea green primer for salt water. When I acquired it, most of the red had faded or worn away revealing the green primer and bare aluminum. Hence, it became “Sherman T” (as in Tank). Not sure why, but I’ve not found an equally suitable name for any of my kayaks,

Blockquote Another topic of earth-shattering importance. Wondering if anyone here who names their boats uses a prefix likes USS or HMS? Even sailboats and fishing boats use SV and FV. PV?

The Italian navy uses AMS, which is short for Atsa My Shippa.

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Other members of the forum named mine a few years ago. The prefix is OT for the manufacture and the name is the OT Flamingo. Some of my paddle buddies call me pink for short.

As a side note these on line sold stickers have held on great for quite a few years now.

I like having a name for her.

The T.M. I. _______________________
(purposely left blank to confuse the reader and Coast Guard)

To a point
on kayak’s point
who should turn
and bow

as if pretext
some might prefix
on head of state

to signify
what’s paddling by
so characterized
hope it sticks

but all ships pass
laugh in joy, laugh sadly crass
for past tense sternly adds
its suffix