Are we paddlers…(self-propellers)… opinionated or is it just bipolar!
Right now, and normally, I have a 16.5’ kayak and a 17’ canoe on my trailer, which is attached to my car. When I get to ‘my’ pond (5 minutes away), sometimes I stand there for a few minutes trying to decide which one to use: Exercise?, technical training?, nature observation?, aesthetics?, wind?, waves?.. “What a waste of time, just get on the water”, I say to myself!
If you can only afford one boat, flip a coin and buy one. If you can afford two boats, buy one of each genre. You can always sell the one you use least, …or not. All of the previous posters have good and valid reasons why you should go with one type of self-propulsion watercaft over the others, including rowing (not often mentioned here). If you still have trouble deciding, you are in good company (Well, at least I think so!).
George in Cody
so well said!!
I like the image of you standing there to decide. The weighing of options and conditions. I feel your pain.
Whitecaps! Swells!
“p.s. we’re ALL small craft and none of us belong on the water when the whitecaps begin to show their teeth”
LOL some of us sched our outings for small craft warning days.
One of my best memories is of an island-hopping run on Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore on a day when the local commercial fishermen cancelled their annual regatta because it was “too rough”.
Another fond memory is paddling the same area with Wendy Killoran this summer past, and wondering just what I had gotten us into, when Wendy paddled alongside and remarked on what a nice day it was.
I was nearly rigid with tension (reefs, shoals, boomers and whitecaps), she was having a relaxing paddle!
Man, I knew I would get a bunch of great
opinions here. Even though I do want to do the exercise routine as I said I also do want to be a groupie with other yakers and canoeists and do the weekend trips. I admire all you guys/gals that do this as much as you do. I was taught the deep water rescue, bracing and a few other moves with the yak, but what happens with the canoe tip over, besides loosing all your stuff? Can I right it and get back in somewhat like the kayak or is all lost? I will be using the kayak double ended paddle. I know, it’s not the purist way to do it but that is also why I want the solo canoe. The wife wants absolutely nothing to do with this sport whether it is canoe or yak! Thanks again for all comments.
Canoe swamps, then…
…go ask a good Boy Scout how to get back in! They all must do it in order to earn the Canoeing Merit Badge. It is work but possible; depending on wind and wave action.
Lash or leash (not the same things) your stuff so it doesn’t get lost. Again a variety of opinions, advantages, disadvantages and dangers.
Since I paddle both kayak and canoe, I have experimented (played) with the “wrong” paddle in both craft!
A canoe propelled by a kayak paddle (double blade) is pretty quick and efficient and symmetrical; but wet.
A kayak propelled by a canoe paddle (single blade) works O.K. and is a skill I have in event of a paddle break! I carry a small canoe paddle as the emergency, on the foredeck. The spare two-piece is under the bungies on the rear deck.
George in Cody
You pack like I do for trips. I’d have
to buy all new equipment if I switched to a yak. It seems like you have to think the way you do when you go backpacking when with a yak. I doubt if I could even get my tent in a yak. I was joking with some yakkers on my latest trip on the Bowron up in BC and said their yaks looked like a container ship with so much equipment on the deck. On some trips like the lower Green in Utah a yak would be a real stretch since you have to carry a porta-potty, a fire pan and water. Most yaks on the trip had a canoer along to carry the excess. I did make a vow though on the last trip to try to restrain myself from bringing too much.
I got the merit badge
but I don’t remember the deep water re-entry proceedure. Last time I flipped a canoe was a couple years ago with my brother. We swam to shore, got back in, and promptly flipped it again
Paddle with whatever works best for you.
You would not be the only canoe paddler using a kayak paddle. Whether tandem or solo, and in different canoes, I use a kayak paddle. I think it is more efficient, and it permits a wide variety of paddling variations depending on circumstances. I still love my 8 or 9 wooden canoe paddles, and use them occasionally.
A small tandem canoe will allow you some expansion, should your situation call for that in the future. You can solo a tandem with a drop in seat(milk crate type) just behind the center thwart. Good luck, and Happy Paddling!
Check out…
Hornbeck canoes. You can use a kayak paddle and they’re light!
If I want all that stuff…
I car-camp and do day paddles.
If I want a wilderness experience, I go kayak-camping and *welcome* the smaller amount of gear. I don't want to lug the kitchen sink along for the same reason my car camping does not involve an RV: bigger/more does not necessarily mean better.
If you need to haul a lot of stuff, you can still do it in a kayak...just a bigger kayak. Or a double.
If you don't want to haul a lot of stuff and love canoeing, you can still do that, too. It's not required that you be a gear hog to go canoeing.
The decision needs to be made on some other criterion anyway. The guy is talking about exercise paddling, not camping trips.
This is like asking if a pick-up or sports car is best. One must have at least one of each.
Deep Water Canoe Re-entry
Here is how:
- Start in the water at the center thwart or midship.
- Reach with one arm over and across that thwart, extending as far as possible.
- Kicking hard, bring body up and across on that extended arm.
- With the gunwale against upper thigh/lower belly, lay body across the canoe. (You are face down)
- Use a dophin kick, and roll (now face up) into the canoe with your butt landing on the keel line.
- Then pull your legs in.
Yes, it is work, but it works. Practice in warm water 20-30 times.
George in Cody
that’s true!
Also, if you’re a drunk, you can carry quite a bit more booze in a canoe than in a kayak. And passing out in your canoe might be a bit more comfortable.
However, if you like to paddle naked, it’s more inconspicuous paddling a (sit inside) kayak (will keep you free of ridicule from the drunks). However, sex would certainly be easier in a canoe.
cool ones
...stay out of the sun and are easily accessible in a day hatch.
Also the other drunks can't see you have booze when it's in a dayhatch.
Seriously, I'm not kayaking or canoeing to have armchair comfort and relaxation. I have an armchair for that. I'm out in my kayak or canoe to get out on the water and have some fun.
The most fun in a sea kayak can be had when conditions get rough.
get both
(OTOH, if the wife wants nothing to do with it that might be a hard sell)
or scull
Rowing is also great exercise.
Uhhhhh…let’s see…
Should I get half a boat or a whole boat…hmmmm.
What was the name of that boat that had water-tight compartments that were open at the top…Titanica or something like that.
(My ode to Jim3727)
they both have pros and cons. I like them both
I didn’t see much posted addressing glide. Since you asked here’s one experience from this weekend.
I met two friends to do a full moon paddle Saturday evening. They brought an OT 16’ Penobscot and I brought my OT Loon 138. They wanted to carry anything I didn’t want to haul in the yak for extra canoe ballast. They were looking for a better ride from deeper draft. I didn’t have much to offer that way as it was a short trip and I didn’t require extras. Beer is not an extra! It’s equipment. I’ll carry my own, thank you very much. Anyway, once underway I noticed that I drifted along side taking an occasional stroke while the stern paddler in the canoe took several strokes as “Cleopatra” enjoyed her beer in the canoe bow. We even commented about how the Loon glided better than the Penobscot. One small comparison in a sea of possibilities.