My parents have recently taken on the enjoyment of Kayaking.
Now that they can travel, they would like to take thier kayaks with them attached to their motorhome ( on the rear/backside of motorhome)with out using a trailer, or putting on the top of thier motorhome.
Is there a special mount that can used on the back of motorhomes?
The kayaks they have are plastic and 9n1/2 ft long.
Any suggestions as to where to purchase OR plans on making your own would be greatly appreciated.
THANK YOU n Happy Paddling
I saw a motorhome with a pair of Swifty’s set verticaly in a pair of custom made carriers attached to the rear bumper. The carriers appeared to be made from EMT (electrical steel tubing) and padded with foam insulation. They formed a basket for the kayaks to drop into. The owner did a pretty nice job.
We have 9.5’ kayaks that with the slide out, we can get inside our travel trailer. This works much better than a rack and protects the boats.
Talked about same venture.
I have talked with my parents about making a rack like this for the back of their 5th wheel.
They are looking to get some 9.5’ Otters or some 11’ Loons. But have not made the jump yet so we have not made the rack.
I would probably lean toward making it out of 1" square tubing, and weld it together similar to the truck hitch things you see now a days. It would have custom wells in it to cradle the bow of the boat. Then a lash line at the top of the trailer for the stern.
I know this is not what your looking for but just wanted to say your not the only one out there looking to resolve this issue.
for the 5th wheel folks unless the water is near-by you gota drag the boats to the water!!
Dad made something…Will let you know how it last during the trip!
I saw it tonight n kinda giggled…but he’s been handy at with his different ideas…now, lets just see if it WORKS?..he made his from wood.
I will do pictures IF they make it back safe.
I warned Mom, if it didn’t work to be prepared to carry them INSIDE the Motorhome…Uh Oh, she not happy about that…hehehe
Thanks for the Replys
LOL@ Draggin them to the water
Will share Ideas IF this one works!
Happy Paddling!