kayak storage

i’m storing my yak on sawhorses right now, any ideas ona better storage system?

i would add some padding of some sort on the top of the sawhorses…

i use the foam roof rack pads for that…but pipe insulation would work just as well…

just cradles the hull a little nicer…especially if it is a plastic boat and in the sun (which it should not be)…

and inside. how’s the hanging sling’s work??

they would work well too
keeping the boat on its side???or flat???

Talic has some neat ideas that you could probably borrow with slings and frames…

check in the buyer’s guides…

Talic Kayak condos
Are reasonably priced, easy to install, and very well built. They can hold any boat, from whitewater boats, pumpkin seed rec boats, to sea kayaks. Check out the buyers guide.