I am currently 300#, 6’ with 32 inseam and looking for a fast and comfortable kayak that I can both fish with my wife and take on overnight river trips with the guys. Tried my wife’s Field and Stream Eagle Talon 12 and was cramped on leg room. Any suggestion for a good overall kayak for my size. $700 to $1200 prize if possible.
% of time Fiahing, Fishing with Wife and River trips?
Also, what do you define as river? Whitewater?
See you on the water,
The River Connection, Inc.
Hyde Park, NY
of excellent choices and one's I have owned: OK Prowler 13 & 15, OK Trident 13, Malibu X-13 (my top pic), Wilderness Systems Tarpon 14' and 16', Malibu Stealth 14 (big weight cap at 550lbs) as paddles well for size. I'm sure there are other good choices. Attend a paddle day event or visit a kayak rental shop. Poster Marshall is a great source of info as he lives it daily.
Forgot to add the WS Tarpon 160 (16'). A excellent sit on, but a beast at 85lbs w rudder. I feel this kayak performs best with the rudder as in moderate/fast water, it's a bear to turn without it.
Current Designs Solara 135
Kayak recommendation
I think you should try out a Oldtown Nantucket kayak. I’m 6’4" (not quite 300 lbs though) and have ample room in this boat. Tracks well and is good for overnight trips.