Kayak under a patio deck during winter ?

Hi there,

I’m in eastern Canada, so we get a lot of snow and sometimes really cold temperatures during the winter.

Would it be bad to hang my (Plastic) kayaks under my patio deck for the winter ?

Would people put a wrap around them ?

Cockpit cover
A couple of families in my area hang their plastic kayaks under their decks and have had no issues. We normally see about 180" snowfall plus subzero temps at times. Using a cockpit cover should keep any snow from getting inside.

If you have a rec center with a pool in your city or nearby, check there. I just discovered our local sports complex offers kayak storage in a heated, locked area adjacent to the swimming pool from November-April for $20.

upside down
Was thinking of hanging them upside down to avoid water getting in

Snow/ water not an issue. Critters …
I used to store boats outside in Pennsylvania and Colorado. Bigger issue is they make very attractive winter dens for animals, so best to close off the cockpit if you can.

no problem except
Hanging your kayak under your deck should be no problem except if it gets banged or bumped or falls during extreme cold temperatures. The plastic can get brittle at temps below -18 C. As long as it is hanging undisturbed, it should be no problem.