I’ll just throw this out there. My wife and I are going to Ireland next month. We’ll be spending 5 days in Kinsale and are going to spend 2 days sea kayaking while we’re there. I’ve already found 2 kayak outfitters in the town, but I really am just going by what I could find on the web. If anyone has ever kayaked in Cork, any info you have would be helpful.
Celtic Tides
Have you read Chris Duff’s “On Celtic Tides”?
Celtic Tides
No, where can I find it?
On Celtic Tides…
I believe I got mine at Borders. Pretty commonly stocked on line and in bookstores.
“On Celtic Tides: One Man’s Journey Around Ireland by Sea Kayak” by Chris Duff
Sound perfect!
Excellent, I’ll look for it. That’ll kill two birds with one stone; something to read on the plane.
Thank you
Variable Conditions in June
I’ve not kayaked in Ireland but have spent a lot of time on the west coast of the Scotland and England. Be prepared for conditions that can blow out a sea kayaking trip. As they say over there “It’s a bit of a lottery”. I tend to visit in June and often it can be steady, driving rain for most of the trip.