I’m planning to vacation in Freeport, Bahamas during the month of April.
Anyone aware of places I could rent a sea kayak or a surfski? Also are there any particular places/spots that would be interesting to paddle?
with Google for a location.
Windy. Wind is the major player. I assume, find a housing location with boat rental with a large sheltered bay area in the lee.
No, I haven’t been there but asked here and WIND was the answer.
There is a book not a great book…On Monday we…On Tuesday…but a book on a kayak trip across to and thru the Bahamas.
try Google Images: kayak Bahamas…there’s a national park.
A paucity of replies is WINDY.
When we look at the clear blue water, brilliant sands…we cannot feel the WIND !
I did not want your question togo unanswered.
…for the reply Datakoll. Yea, I also read there was lots of wind. I paddle surfski a lot and I kinda like the wind, especially when it’s behind me.
Paradise Cove is a nice area to hang out
at, take a taxi toward one end of the island. The big attraction is the reef you can swim/snorkel from the beach. Also has small bar/eatery and lounge chairs. You can get a cold beer and conch fritters. They rent sit on tops, not exactly the high performance craft your looking for, but for a laid back destination that’s not completely touristed out, it should work. They have a website you can check out. Snorkle, paddle, read a book, have a drink or two or three- ahhh life is rough in the bahamas!
Thanks for the response. I’ll be sure to checkout Paradise cove. It sounds like what I’m looking for.
I’d go a little south to the Exumas, and there is an outfitter there. Pigs swimming from island to island, one island practically covered with iguanas and some of the prettiest waters you’ll ever find (location of water scenes in “Thunderball.” And, you don’t see many other people (seclusion is why people like Johnny Depp, Tim McGraw, etc. have bought islands there and built homes).
rub it in will ya
have fun
forget it
If you find any place with real sea kayaks or surf skis I would be really surprised. It doesn’t fit the economics or culture of Caribbean countries. I am currently on Grand Cayman and have been coming here for over 20 years. I have yet to see even one sea kayak on the water. There is no place to buy them or rent them. Surf skis?? What is that?