Irma made my dock unsafe to use but I came home today and found it repaired enough to launch a kayak. My pygmy survived as it was indoors for the storm but my PE Kestrel was crushed and split a seam. Many neighbors are still rebuilding or demolishing and starting over.
In most cases the flood is more damaging than the wind so check your insurance. Homeowners pays almost nothing if the watermarks indicate flood also windstorm won’t cover rising water.
@Celia said:
Glad to hear you have some restoration. Guessing you have to rebuild the hut? Sorry to hear about the Kestrel…
The chickee hut is history and I’m having a hard time justifying rebuilding uninsurable structures when I live about a foot above mean high tide " fool me once…". Besides by downsizing I now have a 10x30’ patio that always has some shade on it and a storm can’t take that away. All construction has increased about 50% in price since the storm.
No insurance on the Kestrel but I won it many years ago and had a lot of fun with it…
10 by 30 patio? You have downsized. Heck of an increase in construction costs. Too bad that the worst stuff like that always hits when the cameras have moved on to another disaster.
BINGO! … Or at least get out of the way. A move of 1/4 mile inland and we would have been golden.
Now in a RV and loving it. It’s new, clean, dry, fully furnished, under warranty, no mold, doesn’t smell… Life is good again.